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2024-05-05 個人工作總結

初中英語工作總結 篇29



(1)并列連詞用來連接并列關系的詞、短語或分句,如and, for, or, both…and, either…or, neither…nor等。

(2)從屬連詞用來引導從句,如that, if, whether, when, after, as soon as等。



(1) and和,并且

They drank and sang all night.

(2) both…and和,既…也…

Both my parents and I went there.

(3) but但是,而

I'm sad, but he is happy.

(4) either…or或…或…,要么…要么…

Either you're wrong, or I am.

(5) for因為

I asked him to stay, for I had something to tell him.

(6) however然而,可是

At first, he didn't want to go there. Later, however, he decided to go.

(7) neither…nor既不…也不

Neither my parents nor my aunt agrees with you.

(8) not only…but(also)不但…而且…

He not only sings well, but also dances well.

(9) or或者,否則

Hurry up, or you'll be late.

Are you a worker or a doctor?

(10) so因此,所以

It's getting late, so I must go.

(11) although雖然

Although it was late, they went on working.

(12) as soon as一…就

I'll tell him as soon as I see him.

(13) because因為

He didn't go to school, because he was ill.

(14) unless除非,如果不

I won't go unless it is fine tomorrow.

(15) until直到…

He didn't leave until eleven. (瞬間動詞用于not… until結構)

He stayed there until eleven.

(16) while當…時候,而(表示對比)

While I stayed there, I met a friend of mine. (while后不可用瞬間動詞)

My pen is red while his is blue.

(17) for因為

He was ill, for he didn't come. (結論是推斷出來的)

(18) since自從…

I have lived here since my uncle left.

(19) hardly… when一…就

I had hardly got to the station when the train left.

(20) as far as就…來說

As far as I know, that country is very small.

You may walk as far as the lake. (一直走到湖那里)

精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫
