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2023-01-27 入職離職

13 people's life, there are a lot of things can not stop, just as can not stop the pace of time, can not stop is the coming parting and give up. Melancholy and parting sadness in the rise slowly, but at the moment the heart is very calm, each other's blessing will slowly diffuse in our hearts, in the future on the road, my friend, more self-confidence, you will succeed!

14 people's life, there are a lot of things can not stop, just as can not stop the pace of time, can not stop is the coming parting and give up. Melancholy and parting sadness in the rise slowly, but at the moment the heart is very calm, each other's blessing will slowly diffuse in our hearts, in the future on the road, my friend, more self-confidence, you will succeed!

15. First, I recall the happy past when we worked together; second, I congratulate him on his promotion and his great career; third, I hope our friendship will last forever and we will keep in touch with each other regularly. I wish you all a successful career and a happy family!

16 gather and leave seems to be the notes of life will never stop, like a cup of bitter coffee, leaving the bitter in the mouth, and the sweet fragrance with years of precipitation, always stay in my memory!

17 you have your way, I have my way, but can not forget us together every morning and evening, no matter how far away the road, no matter the ends of the earth, please don't forget my most heartfelt blessing to you.

18 waved goodbye, sailing, forget, is that you throw the rope of friendship, imperceptubly firmly in my heart.

19 parting tears is the sea, meet the embrace is the sail. Parting is to meet again. Parting is to meet again. Dear colleagues, I wish you a successful attitude to work, hard life. Dear colleagues, I wish you a successful attitude to work, hard life.

20. Although we meet and leave in a hurry, we have eternity in the short course of life. We believe that today's friendship is the memory of tomorrow.


1. Wave goodbye, sail away, forget, is that you throw the rope of friendship, imperceptibly firmly in my heart.

Flowers bloom and pavilions, spring goes and spring comes again. Time is stranded, years in circulation, the same is our friendship. At the time of parting, blessing brings you good wishes: may you have a pleasant journey.

Before you say goodbye, you have disappeared into the distant horizon. I stood as still as a young tree. Second, my heart is with you. I wonder if you realize?

4 you have your way, I have my way, but I can't forget the day and night when we were together, no matter how long the journey is, no matter the ends of the earth, please don't forget my most heartfelt blessing to you.

5 we had to part, quietly say goodbye; Thank you in my heart, thank you once gave me a deep friendship.

6. We parted amid a light mist. Dew, yingying, like your innocent eyes; Fog, misty, like my thick sorrow of parting.

7 gather and leave seems to be the notes of life will never stop, like a cup of bitter coffee, leaving the bitter in the mouth, and mellow fragrance with years of precipitation, always stay in my memory

8 today classmate break up, say: "take care!" Ming alumni meet, congratulations: "success!"

9 mood often updated, can not always worry, trouble relax heart, trifles do not bother, parents to filial piety, friends to really, love to heart, work to bother, you want to always happy, others just rest assured, I wish every day happy!

10. Quietly you left, just as quietly you came, you handed in a resignation letter, did not take a group of subordinates, it is really not interesting.

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