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2024-05-03 演講稿大全


acting like a lady

one day when women’s dresses are on sale at the shop, a man decides to buy a dress for his wife. but he soon finds himself can’t get close to the dresses. there are too many women. he can only stand in the crowd.he stands and waits for a long time, but he finds himself farther and farther from the dresses. he is very angry and tries his best to buy the dresses.

“you there! don’t push,” cries an angry voice. “can’t you act like a gentleman?”

“listen,” he says, “i acted like a gentleman an hour ago. from now on, i am acting like a lady, just like you!”

acting ['?kti?]表現women ['wimin]女人himself [him'self]他自己crowd [[kraud]]群眾farther ['fɑ:e?]更遠的ago [?'ɡ?u]以前

the broom seller and the barber

a broom seller goes into a barber’s shop to get shaved. the barber buys one of his brooms. after he had shaved him, he asks for the price of the broom.

“two penny,” says the man.

“no, no,” says the barber. “i will give you one penny, and if you don’t think that is enough, you may take your broom back!”

the broom seller takes it and asks what he has to pay his shave.“a penny,” says the barber.

“i will give you a half penny, and if that is not enough, you may put my beard on again.” the man says.

broom [bru:m]掃帚barber ['bɑ:b?]理發師shave [?eiv]刮胡子think [θi?k]認為enough [i'n?f]充足的beard [bi?d]胡須

three foxes

there are three foxes in the forest, they work together. they live a happy life. little by little, the youngest fox becomes lazy, and often quarrels with the other foxes. the eldest fox has to leave, and the second fox is driven off, too.

looking at the warm house with a lot of good food in it, the youngest fox smiles. the eldest fox opens a new hill again. the second eldest fox digs a pool. two of them become rich soon. but the youngest fox eats up the food left by the other two foxes. in the end it feels so cold and hungry that it can not stand up.

forest['f?rist]森林youngest ['j??ɡist]最小的become [bi'k?m]變得quarrel ['kw?:r?l]吵架eldest ['eldist]最年長的driven off [driv?n]走開hill [hil]小山dig [diɡ]挖掘pool [pu:l]水塘

精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫
