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2024-05-03 演講稿大全


hello everybody,i’m very glad to stand here and give the i will talk about ‘which of them is more important to students’english, accuracy or fluency’.

as every english learner knows that english is somewhat distinct from our mother language,not even the accent but also the way of thinking.it’s much difficult for an adult to express his thought fluently and accurately,not to mention the middle school students .so some may unilaterally believe ***pare with fluency,accuracy can be ignored because it’s unavoidable for students to make mistakes when using english.

in my view,fluency and accuracy ,both of them are important in english.

now here ***es the problem--how teachers to deal with their mistakes? should they point their mistakes immediately or just pretend nothing happen and let them go on? some teachers take the former .

when students make problems of grammar or vocabulary,the teacher break in immediately no matter what mistake it is,whether serious or not.instead,other teachers never point out mistakes that students have made,they think that it would not make a great effect and what high school student needs is just language sense which helps to listening and writing.

we can say that two ways are extreme.the first one is impolite and it may weakons students confidence and interest.the latter one neglects all the mistake,****** their english hard to understand.

good english teachers ought to allow their students to make some ***mon mistakes in person,numbers of noun and tense abuse,not so accurate.what needs correct is mistakes that causes misunderstanding.

in conclusion,the best way is relying mainly on fluency while accuracy subsidiary.teacher should let the conversation go and correct mistakes at the end of performance.encouraging them more often rather than criticizing, this helps students with building fluency.

thank ou for listening.





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