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十大經典青春勵志的英文歌曲 - 十大經典青春勵志的英文歌曲1.《Work

2022-12-22 經典臺詞


1.《Work of art》喜歡它是因為看了劇《設計人生》。

My heart beats like it's on fire/我的心跳如跳動的火苗

And everything is alright,as long as I am inspired/只要被鼓舞,就會勇往直前

I stitched together my life from hand-me-downs/曾經用別人的東西拼湊自己的人生

And good advice that finally fit me/最終找到了適合自己的生活

I put My heart where my head should be/我全身心投入

And light up the rest of me/帶動身體每個細胞

Cause my dreams,they won't fall apart through the stops & starts/夢想不會在走走停停中破滅

When The life is a work of art./因為生活就是藝術

I found this door to my inside,/我找到通往內心深處的大門

I flung it open/衝破它

So dreams could rush in like the high tide/夢想便如浪潮般湧入

I learned I'm not an island, or a fairytale/我知道自己不是島嶼也不是童話

Cause in the end I'm not pretending/因為到最後一切都是現實

2.《You raise me up》


歌手:Westlife 專輯:

You Raise Me Up

When I am down 當我失意低落之時

and,oh my soul,so weary; 我的精神,是那麼疲倦不堪

When troubles come 當煩惱困難襲來之際

and my heart burdened be; 我的內心,是那麼負擔沉重

Then,I am still 然而,我默默的佇立

and wait here in the silence,靜靜的等待

Until you come 直到你的來臨

and sit awhile with me.片刻地和我在一起

You raise me up,你激勵了我

so I can stand on mountains; 故我能立足於群山之巔

You raise me up,你鼓舞了我

to walk on stormy seas; 故我能行進於暴風雨的洋麵

I am strong,在你堅實的臂膀上

when I am on your shoulders; 我變得堅韌強壯

You raise me up:你的鼓勵

To more than I can be.使我超越了自我

There is no life - 世上沒有——

no life without its hunger; 沒有失去熱望的生命

Each restless heart 每顆悸動的心

beats so imperfectly; 也都跳動得不那麼完美

But when you come 但是你的到來

and I am filled with wonder,讓我心中充滿了奇跡

Sometimes,I think 甚至有時我認為 因為有你

I glimpse eternity.我瞥見了永恆

You raise me up,你激勵了我

so I can stand on mountains; 故我能立足於群山之巔

You raise me up,你鼓舞了我

to walk on stormy seas; 故我能行進於暴風雨的洋麵

I am strong,在你堅實的臂膀上

when I am on your shoulders; 我變得堅韌強壯

You raise me up:你的鼓勵

To more than I can be.使我超越了自我



4《dream it possible》

5.不要放棄,《Try Everything》

6.Sun will shine,my friend《Shining Friends》


8.成為一個《Better Man》


10.無論如何,《Life is cool》


精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫
