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女性書籍排行榜推薦 - 女性書籍排行榜推薦導語:適合女人看的書籍

2022-12-22 勵志故事





During the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, thousands of Jews flew into hiding. Anne Frank was one of them. And what makes her extra special, and loved by millions of people around the world is because of a diary she wrote during her hiding. This famous diary tells us, especially the young women around the world, about the small details of a young girl growing up: typical girlhood consciousness, friendship with other girls, crushes on boys, how the historical significance has affected her life, her emotional roller-coaster, and her loneliness. 在納粹佔領荷蘭時期,成千上萬的猶太人都四處躲藏。安妮·弗蘭克就是其中之一。之所以她這麼特別,受到來自世界各地讀者的喜愛,就是因為在她藏匿時期所完成的這部日記。這部著名的日記告訴我們,特別是全球女性,一個年輕女孩成長中的那些細節:典型的少女情懷,與其他女孩的友誼,對男孩的暗戀,這段歷史如何影響了她的人生,她的情感起伏,以及她的孤獨。


Maya Angelou wrote this autobiography in 1969. This novel is an example of how a woman can stand strong despite societal and personal injustices. Fighting racism, sexism, and personal trauma, this book shows how easy it is to internalize these negative forces, and how powerful a woman can become by resisting.

Maya Angelou於1969年完成這部自傳。儘管處於一個社會和個人都不公平的時代,一個女人為何還能如此堅強,這部小說就是一個例子。為種族主義、性別歧視和個人創傷而奮鬥,這部作品告訴大家:只要敢於反抗,內化這些消極力量是多麼容易,一個女人可以變得多麼強大。


Ella is an intelligent, witty, and adventurous. She is like the modern day Cinderella with a twist. She has a prince charming who falls in love with her, and it is not him but Ella, who is capable of rescuing herself. This book shows a fiercely independent heroine who struggles against the curse of obedience and doesn』t need a knight in silver armor to rescue her. Ella是一個聰明、機智又敢於冒險的女孩。她像是結局扭轉的現代版灰姑娘。一位王子愛上了她,但能拯救她的卻不是這位王子而是她自己。這部作品展示了一位極其獨立的女主角,她與服從詛咒作鬥爭,也不需要白銀鎧甲來拯救她。


This young adult novel is set during the Great Depression. The location is set in Mexico and California. Esperanza is a wealthy girl who struggles when her family falls into poverty.The story is a reflection on the starting point for girls beginning to learn about the life of immigrants, the overlaps of cultures, and the challenge of poverty. 這部年輕成人小說的背景設立於經濟大蕭條時期,地點設在墨西哥和加利福尼亞。Esperanza之前是一位非常富有的女孩,當她的家庭沒落後,她開始為之奮鬥。對於開始了解移民生活,文化差異以及貧困所來帶挑戰的女孩來說,這部小說就是一個關於新起點的反映。

5、 《管家婆》

Who said women can』t be humorous? Well, comedian Tina Fey sure knows her way into the world to show that women can be funny. This comical autobiography also throws light on the valuable lessons about feminism and image, something every woman should learn about. 誰說女性就不能幽默?好吧,喜劇演員 Tina Fey就非常確定如何去展現女性也可以有趣。這部搞笑的自傳也傳達了關於女權主義和身體印象的珍貴,其中有些道理值得每位女性學習。

6、 《墨水心》

Meggie and her father have a special power: when they read aloud, the fantasy villains enter the real world. One night, when her father was reading a book aloud, the villain entered their living room, and left Meggie with no choice but to fight him, and save the day. Inkheart is a book about fantasy adventure, about fierce feminism, about imagination, and most importantly, about life. Meggie和父親擁有一種特殊能力:當他們大聲朗讀的時候,虛幻的壞人就會進入真實的世界。一天晚上,當她的父親大聲朗讀的時候,壞人進入了他們的起居室,Meggie 別無選擇,只能與他鬥爭,挽救局勢。《墨水心》是一部關於奇幻冒險、激烈女權主義、想象力,更重要的是,關於人生的作品。

書是女性最好的朋友。 書可以讓人變得自信,變得獨立,敢於為不平等發聲;可以讓人更好地了解世界,了解自己。每個人都應該多讀書。







精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫
