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2022-12-27 高考

Then when she was 8 years old, her church began raising money to build wells in Africa through an organization called charity water. Rachel was astonished when she learned that other children had no clean water, so she skipped her ninth birthday party. Rachel set up a birthday page on the charity water website with a target of $300. Instead of presents, she asked her friends to donate $9 each to charity water. Finally Rachel raised only $220 — which had left her just a bit disappointed.
Then, on July 20, a serious traffic accident left Rachel critically injured. Church members and friends, seeking some way of showing support, began donating on Rachel’s birthday page — charitywater.org/Rachel — and donations reached her $300 goal, and kept rising.
But Rachel couldn’t hear that she had raised beyond the $47,544 that the singer Justin Bieber had raised for charity water on his 17th birthday. “I think Rachel would have been overjoyed for she secretly had a crush on (迷戀) him,” Rachel’s mom said.
When it was clear that Rachel would never regain consciousness, the family decided to remove the life support system. Her parents donated her hair for the final time to Locks of Love, and her organs to other children.
Word about Rachel’s last fund-raising spread. Contributions poured in, often in $9 each. The total donations soon topped $100,000, then $300,000.
This is a story not just of one girl, but of a young generation of outstanding problem-solvers working creatively.
41. What does the author think of today’s kids after he knew the story of Rachel Beckwith?
A. They are good at social network. B. They are unselfish as grown-ups.
C. They can get problems settled effectively. D. They have narrow minds and care about nothing.
42. When was it that Rachel’s hair was donated for the final time to Locks of Love?
A. At her age of 5. B. After her death.
C. Right after the traffic accident. D. Before her ninth birthday.
43. Why did each of Rachel’s friends donate $9 to charity water?
A. Because she had asked them to do that.
B. Because she set up her birthday page on June 9th.
C. Because she began to raise money from her ninth birthday.
D. Because she died at the age of 9 and they wanted to honor her.
44. The singer Justin Bieber was mentioned in the text, mainly because ______.
A. Rachel collected more than him who she admired
B. he had donated on Rachel’s page on his 17th birthday
C. Rachel would have been overjoyed for his donation
D. Rachel’s mom said she secretly had a crush on him
45. What does the text mainly talk about?
A. Rachel’s hair donations. B. A kind girl, Rachel.
C. The author’s impression of today’s kids D. A lesson from Rachel.
Below is a passage adapted from the network edition of China Daily.
Li Yang, one of China’s most famous English teachers, apologized for beating his American wife more than a week after she posted photos of her injuries on the web and set off a bomb of criticism.
“I wholeheartedly apologize to my wife Kim and my girls for committing domestic violence. This has caused them serious physical and mental damage,” Li said on his microblog at Weibo.com, the country’s most popular social media site, on Saturday. Li, 42, is a mechanics major but is best known for his “Crazy English,” a popular method of language learning that involves yelling at the top of one’s lungs.
He was at the center of public criticism after his wife Kim Lee put up posts on the web accusing him of abuse, showing her swollen forehead and knees.
@Xuemanzi, angel investor
Anti-domestic violence laws should be made as soon as possible, giving protection to the rights of women and children lawfully. Police should not stand back from domestic violence any longer, even if no one reports them. Society, as a whole, should attach greater importance to the crime.
@Zhangxiaomei 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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