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2023-01-05 高考
  名詞格:通格和屬格  (’s )
  其它限定詞, 例如: some, many , this, my 等
  1)復型名詞 復數動詞
  The trousers are too big for me. Please show  me the smaller pair.
  備用詞: shoes, stockings,  glasses,  socks
  NOTICE:   A pair of glasses  costs  quite a lot.
  2)復型名詞 單數動詞
  A. The news on TV  is  seldom satisfying.
  備用詞:mathematics, physics, politics, means, works, the United States
  B. Twenty miles  is  a long way to walk.
  備用詞: five pounds, two feet, six weeks
  3) 集合名詞 復數名詞
     The police  have  surrounded the building.
     Cattle  are  selling for record price (創記錄).
  備用詞: the enemy,  (the) people
  NOTICE:   由幾個人組成的集合體單數詞常被用作復數,
  My family  are  wonderful. They do all they can for me.
  The family  which now  consists  of four members at most  is  smaller  than it used to be.
  A. 一些無數名詞可能有以下情況       
  a (an)    adj.  n.
  It looks like rain.        a thirsty for knowledge(求知欲)       
  a heavy rain            He has a good knowledge of politics.
  備用詞: snow, breakfast, wine, oil, education
  A (One) beer, please.
  Two teas and four coffees, please.
  I broke a glass this morning.  (杯子)
  Glass is made from sand.   (玻璃)
  備用詞: paper / a paper,  light(光) / a light(燈);
  ice(冰) / an ice (冰淇淋), chicken(雞肉) / a chicken (雛雞)
  6) 單位詞
  a piece of information (furniture, advice…)
  B. 以形狀表示個數
  a grain of rice,  a flight of stairs
  C. 容量
  a box of matches, a cup of tea
  D. 計量
  a metre of cloth,  a ton of coal
  a (new) set of tools (wires, teeth, rules)
  1)’ s 的用法
  A . 與時間有關的名詞
  a night’s sleep               ten minutes’ walk
  NOTICE:    a  two-hour  walk  =  two hours’walk
  B. 和else 連用
  book can this be?
  A. Who  else’s
  B. Whose else
  C. Who’s else
  D. Whose else’s
  C. ‘s 如前面提到的修飾詞,可以省略
  This is Jack’s book, not  Tom’s.   
  This book is Jack’s not Tom’s.
  D. 表示店、店、家、診所等, ‘s 省略后面的名詞
  at the Green’s  (house),      at the doctor’s  (office)  
  2) OF 結構表示所有關系
  A. 用無生命的名詞of
  the price of the success
  B. 有生命的名詞用短語或從句來表示所有關系of
  Can’t you look at the book of the boy behind you?
  ‘s 與of此時結構并用of在修改結構的名詞之前,通常會有a, an, two, some, that等
  Miss Smith is a friend of Mary’s mother’s.
  that brother of the girl 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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