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2023-01-09 高考




  一、 不定冠詞的用法:

  1、 泛指人或事物的類別,相當于any, 如:

  A hammer is tool.

  A boy is waiting for you. We work 8 hours a day.

  A steel worker makes steel. There is a book on your desk. I go home twice a month.

  2、 泛指某人或某物。 3、 表one或every。 4、 表示the same 的意思。

  Birds of a (= the same) feather flock together; people of a kind come together.

  5、 用在不可數名詞前

  a)(用在物質名詞前)一種,一份 A large coffee for me.

  It was a wonderful tea.


  It was clear daylight now and a fine rain was falling. There is a cold wind this morning. c)(用在抽象名詞前)一種 That is a great disappointment.

  It’s a pleasure to work with you. He had a Van Gogh in the dining-room. He’s a living Lei Feng.

  6、 (用在某些專有名詞前)某個叫…的人,一張…的畫,一個象…的人等。

  I saw a Mrs. Smith on the 12th at 2:00. What a strange London they saw!

  7、 用于某些固定詞組中。

  a few, a little, a good many, a lot of, all of a sudden, as a rule, have a cold等。

  8、 在元音音素開頭的名詞前應用an, 如an apple, an English book。要以發音為準,并非以元

  音字母而定。如a university, an hour, an ―h‖, an X-ray examination.

  二、 定冠詞的用法。

  The boy likes the film. Shut the door, please.

  The old poor peasant has a son. The son is a model worker.

  2、 表示世界上獨一無二的東西。

  the earth, the moon, the stars, the sun(但space前不用)

  3、 用在序數詞、形容詞或副詞最高級前。

  the second, the tallest, the last, the first.

  4、 用在由普通名詞構成的國家、黨派或組織機構等的專有名詞前。

  the United States; the People’s Republic of China; the Communist Party of China; the Chinese People’s Liberation Army; the No. 15 Middle School; the department of Education.

  5、 用在某些建筑物名稱前。

  The Great Hall of the People; the Monument to the People’s Heroes; the Great Wall; the Capital Theatre; the Space Museum; the Peace Hotel。

  6、 用在江河海洋,山脈群島,海峽海灣等專有名詞前。

  The Changjiang River, the Red Sea, the Dabie Mountains, the English Channel, the Taiwan Straits, the Persian Gulf。

  7、 用在報紙、會議、條約等專有名詞前。

  the People’s Daily(但:China Daily) the New York Times, the 15th Party Congress, the Geneva Agreement

  8、 用在方位名詞前,某些習慣短語中或結構搭配中。

  on the left, in the east, in the morning, on the other hand, in the end, hit sb on the head, catch sb by the arm

  9、 用在形容詞前表一類人。

  the poor, the dead, the young, the rich, the wounded.

  10、 用在雙方都知,不言而喻的名詞前。

  Give me the book. Who’s the man? 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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