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2023-01-11 高考


  181. 如今我覺得掌握一門外語是必要的。

  It is necessary to do sth.

  Master a foreign language

  It is necessary to master / have a good command of a foreign language.

  182. 眾所周知,這項法律下月生效。

  It is well known that …

  As is well known to us all / as we all know,

  Take effect / come into effect

  As we all know, the law will come into effect next month.

  183. 你最好采納老師的建議,否則你就跟不上同班同學。

  Adopt / follow / take one’s advice / suggestions

  Catch up with sb.

  You’d better follow your teacher’s advice, or you won’t catch up with your classmates. 184. 隨著生活水平的提高,人們的生活方式已經有了很大的改變。

  The living standards

  The style of living

  Experience changes

  With the improvement of people’s living standards, the style of living has experienced a lot of changes.

  185. 我們年輕人永遠也不能忘記二戰期間日本侵略者給中國人民帶來的那場災難。 Will never forget

  The disaster

  Bring to

  The Japanese invader

  World War II / the Second World War

  Never can we young people forget that disaster which the Japanese invader brought to the Chinese people during the Second World War.

  186. 我上星期看的那本書完全改變了我對狼的看法。

  Change one’s view on


  The book I read last week has completely changed my view on the wolf.

  187. 他犯這樣的錯誤真是太粗心大意了。

  It is careless of sb. to do sth.

  Make a mistake

  It is careless of him to make such a mistake.

  188. 在學校圖書館里,學生們可以上網。

  Have access to

  Be accessible to

  In the school library, students have access to the Internet.

  In the school library, the Internet is accessible to students.

  189. 他們清楚地認識到作為教師的社會職責。

  Be aware of

  Social responsibility

  They were very much aware of their social responsibility as teachers.

  190. 選哪個大學?這取決于你對什么感興趣和你將來想干什么。

  Which …to choose?

  It depends on…

  What …interest in…

  What …to do…

  In the future

  Which college / university to choose?

  191. 他非但不聽我的勸告,反而事事與我作對。

  Listen to sb. / sth. / advice / suggestion

  Against sb.

  Instead (adv.)

  He would not listen to my suggestion / advice at all; instead, he did everything against me. 192. 這場雨使他不能去野營。

  Discourage sb. From doing sth.

  The discouraged him from going camping.

  193. 一個人要成功,就必須在任何情況下不放棄,并始終充滿信心。

  Want to succeed

  In any case

  Don’t give up

  Be full of confidence

  If one want to succeed, he mustn’t give up in any case and should be full of confidence.

  Anyone who wants to be successful mustn’t give up in any circumstances, and should be full of confidence. 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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