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2023-01-13 高考


  III. 情態動詞

  1, A(全國卷I)24. There's no light on —— they______ be at home.

  A. can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. shouldn't

  2, (全國卷2)10. We hope that as many people as-possible _______ join us for the picnic tomorrow.

  A. need B. must C. should D. can

  3, (北京卷)25. —— What's the name

  ——Khulaifi. _______ I spell that for you

  A. Shall B. Would C. Can D. Might

  4, (上海春)26. You know he is not going to let us leave early if we ___ get the work done.

  A. can't B. may not C. shouldn't D. mustn't

  5, (天津卷)11. We have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.

  A. needn't B. may not C. shouldn't D. mustn't

  6, (四川卷)32. ---Is Jack on duty today

  ---It ________ be him. It's his turn tomorrow.

  A. mustn't B. won't C. can't D. needn't

  7, (江西卷)24.The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.I _______ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.

  A.should have taken B.could have taken C.needn't have taken D,mustn't have taken

  8, (陜西卷)19.As you worked late yesterday, you _________ have come this morning.

  A. mayn't B. can't C. mustn't D. needn't

  9, (福建卷)27.If it were not for the fact that she _______ sing, I would invite her to the party.

  A. couldn't B. shouldn't C. can't D. might not

  10.(湖北卷)31. __________ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.

  A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be

  11.(湖南卷)32.Some aspects of a pilot's job ________ be boring, and pilots often _______ work at inconvenient hours.

  A. can; have to B. may; can C. have to; may D. ought to; must

  (江蘇卷)21. --- I think I'll give Bob a ring.

  --- You _______. You haven't been in touch with him for ages.

  A. will B. may C. have to D. should

  13(廣東卷)22. -- Must he come to sign this paper himself

  -- Yes, he .

  A. need B. must C. may D. will

  (浙江卷)19. --- Could I have a word with you, mum

  --- Oh dear, if you ________.

  A. can B. must C. may D. should

  15, (山東卷)30. ——May I smoke here

  ——If you ____, choose a seat in the smoking section.

  A. should B. could C. may D. must

  1-10 ADCAB CCDCB 11-15 ADBBD







  2023年高考英語試題分類總結:倒裝 強調與省略




   精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

