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2023-01-14 高考




  1.主語 不及物動詞


  (1)一般表達式。這種不如物動詞常與副詞修飾語連用,如表達距離、持續時間、重量、價值等。Boy, can you go any farther? Boy, can you go any farther? 伙計,你還能走路嗎?

  The smoke from our fire rose straight up in the still air.


  (2)主動表示被動意義型。這種常見的動詞或短語包括:read, sell wash, write, open, draw, wear, happen, take place, break out ,last ,go out ,run out ,cost, spread等。如:

  The tickets to the play sold well。那出戲的戲票很暢銷。

  The accident happened outside my house.這起事故發生在我家外面。

  [典例1]Food and drink are _____,but the men are still cheerful and confident.

  A. running out B. going out C. spreading D. happening

  解析 A 不如物動詞考試。run out表示“被用完”; go out 表示“出去,熄滅”;spread表示“傳播”;happen說“發生”。根據句子的意思:食物和飲料幾乎都用光了,但這些人仍然非常快樂和自信。

  2.主語 及物動詞 賓語


  (1)及物動詞 名詞或代詞為賓語。

  He raised his arms above his head.他把手臂舉過頭頂。

  Will you be spending your holiday abroad this year?你今年要出國度假嗎?

  (2)及物動詞 以賓語為動名詞。物動詞或動詞短語有:avoid, mind, miss, suggest, finish, practice, imagine, enjoy, delay, escape, feel like, put off ,insist on ,give up, can‟t help, stick to等。如:

  I suggested taking a walk.我建議散步。

  You must not give up studying.你不應該放棄學習。

  (3)及物動詞 不定式作為賓語。這些和物動詞包括:afford, agree, ask, expect, hope, want, wish, manage, pretend, decide, determine, learn,

  offer, plan, refuse等。如:

  I hope to go to college.我想上大學。

  The firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.公司無法支付如此巨額的工資。


  3.主語 系動詞 表格

  本句型中系動詞的用法:be, become, come, get, smell, taste, feel, sound, remain, stay, appear, go, turn, fall, run, keep等。

  (1)系動詞 形容詞作為表語。

  That argument sounds reasonable,這個觀點聽起來很有道理。

  (2)系動詞 名詞作表語。

  Later he became an acrobat.后來他成了雜技演員。

  (3)系動詞 副詞、介詞短語或反身代詞作為表語。

  He is near,他在附近。

  [典例2]The cooking chicken in the pot ______very good.

  A. smells B. feels C. sounds D. tastes

  解析 A 系動詞考試題The cooking chicken正在煮的雞肉推斷出“聞起來很香”,所以用smell。其它feel感覺起來;sound聽起來;taste嘗起來,都不合題。

  4.主語 及物動詞 間接賓語 直接賓語

  (1)用to改變間接賓語的動詞:bring, give, hand, offer, show, teach, throw, pass, pay, send, sell, return, tell, allow, lend等。如: 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

