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2023-01-15 高考

convicting(宣告有罪)him.Instead,he blames the whole thing on his“no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather.”Thanks to this distant relative,the Yelnats family had been cursed(詛咒)for generations.For Stanley, his current troubles are just a natural part of being a Yelnats.
At Camp Green Lake,the warden(看守)makes the boys“build character”by spending all
day,every day, digging holes:five feet wide and five feet deep.It doesn’t take long for Stanley
to realize there’s more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake.The boys are
digging holes because the warden is searching for something,and before long Stanley begins his
own search—for the truth.Fate is to find a solution to it all—the family curse,the mystery of the holes.The great wheel of justice has ground slowly for generations,but now it is about to reveal its verdict(裁決).
56.Stanley Yelnats went to Camp Green Lake to__________________.
A.enjoy the summertime B.show his innocence
C.Serve his sentence D.make a choice
57.We can learn from the passage that Stanley__________________.
A.stole the shoes for his relative B.got the shoes by accident
C.donated the shoes to an auction D.blamed the judge for the sentence
58.In fact,the warden made the boys dig holes to________________.
A.kill the time B.build character
C.break the family curseD.look for something
59.In which section of a newspaper does this passage probably appear?

Herbie Ricketts,52,lives in Thornton Heath,south London,and works as an electrician.He
has been a listening volunteer with the Samaritans for 16 years.

Each caller is as individual as their circumstances and I didn’t realize so many people take
their own lives until I became a Samaritan.And only then did the true nature of the work I was doing hit home.
I’ll always remember my first day on duty.The caller, stressed and depressed,told me he
was suicidal(想自殺的).He’d been too frightened to talk to the people around him,which is common.People are told they’ve got nothing to be upset about.Or, if they are already classified
as having mental health issues,so they tell no one.How do you make sense of your feelings if you can’t tell someone? Just allowing people to say what they honestly feel helps them find a different perspective.I couldn’t offer him practical advice but I could support him emotionally.I helped him come to terms with his situation and make sense of some of the terrible emotions he was experiencing.Offering anonymity(匿名)and being nonjudgmental(無偏見的)allows people easily hurt to explore their thoughts without fear or worry.I left him in an emotionally safe place,ensuring he knew 1 wasn’t rejecting or abandoning him.I let him know we were still there if he needed us,explaining that it might not be me on the other end of the phone but another Samaritan who could also support.
Suicidal people will ring with issues like drug use or loneliness.If you look at it from the perspective of, “How can I solve this? ”you can become,like them,at a loss.Every cell in your
body wants to offer solutions,but as a Samaritan I’m not there to sort their problems out.I listen and will support them when they can’t see any further than tomorrow.When the phone goes silent,we stay with that caller as long as we possibly can,which could be two or three hours.
The shifts are up to four hours long.When it doesn’t go so well,I offload to my colleague,so I don’t carry home a heavy heart.Being a Samaritan has greatly improved my life.I’m calmer
and become a supportive listener, which has also improved my relationships.But being a wonderful Samaritan doesn’t make you a wonderful parent or wonderful partner—I wish it did. 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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