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2023-01-25 高考


  第三節 書面表達

  71. 如果你是李夏,你會看到美國學生Sharon 我希望有人能幫助她提高普通話水平(Mandarin)在水平上,她可以教英語作為回報。請根據以下提示用英語給她寫一封電子郵件。






  1. 詞數120左右,開頭語已經為你寫好了;

  2. 可適當增加細節,使行文連貫;



  Hi Sharon,

  This is Li Xia. I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin. I am quite interested in it. I think I'm fit for it. As a student, I have been learning Mandarin for many years. In addition, I am Chinese, which means Mandarin is a must for me communicate with others in my daily life. So I'm quite confident that I can help you learn Mandarin.

  Learning Mandarin takes time, so if you want to learn it well, you should spend much time practicing Mandarin in everyday. As the saying goes, practice makes percfect. Besides, you can also read some books in Chinese, see some Chinese films and listen to some Chinese radio programs. Speaking and listening are very important for a language learning, by which you are sure to make great progress.

  In your post, you say you can teach English as a reward. It is just what I want. I'm eager to improve my English. So, if you allow me to help you learn Mandarin, you can help me improve my English. We can cintact each other by video chat every night for half an hour in English and half an hour in Chinese, so that we can improve our oral speaking.

  Hope for you early reply!

  Yours Sincerely

  Li Xia

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