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2023-01-29 高考
1.(2023年濟南一中階段測試)—What kind of house would you like? —I'd like ________with a swimming??pool at the back of ________. A.it;one B.one;one C.it;it D.one;it 分析:句意:-你想要什么樣的房子?——我想要一個后面有游泳池的房子。第一空:one=a 單數名詞,指代a house;第二空:it表同名同物,指前面提到的房子。 答案:D 2.(2023年山東實驗中學診斷)________of the three students can repair your computer.They are all experts. A.Whatever B.What C.Whichever D.Which 分析:句意:這三個學生中的任何一個都可以修你的電腦。他們都是專家。他們都是專家。whichever指“一定范圍內的任何一個,無論哪一個”。 答案:C 3.(2023年浙江六校聯考)Believe it or not,no bread eaten by us is so sweet as ________earned by our own labour. A.one B.that C.such D.what 分析:句意:信不信由你,沒有面包能比得上我們自己勞動掙來的(果實)甜。that=the 無數名詞,相當于the bread。 答案:B 4.(2023年黑龍江省哈9中二模)The price system is a complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as ________of a great number of services. A.the one B.that C.ones D.those 分析:句意:價格系統是一個復雜的網絡,它包括所有購買和銷售的經濟產品和大量服務項目的價格。those=the 代指復數名詞the prices。those=the 代指復數名詞the prices。 答案:D 5.(2023年浙江六校聯考)—What kind of people do you need for the position? —________with a good command of English. A.Anyone B.Whoever C.Whomever D.Anyone who 分析:句意:-這個職位需要什么樣的人?——任何英語好的人。B、C、D三項后面要跟句子,只有anyone后才能把短語作為賓語。 答案:A 6.(2023年高考預測卷)—Have you met Mr.Smith recently? —Sorry,I haven't,but I hear he is working at ________company. A.some B.any C.each D.every 分析:句意:-你最近見過史密斯先生嗎?——對不起,我沒見過,但我聽說他在一家公司工作。some意思是“某一”,后接單數名詞。 答案:A 7.(2023年河北唐山三模)They all think ________an honour to be taught by Mr.Smith. A.that B.them C.it D.this 分析:句意:他們都認為成為史密斯老師的學生是非常榮幸的。這個問題考察了代詞的用法。只有it可以作為四個選項中的形式賓語,所以答案是C項。 答案:C 8.(2023年山東東營勝利一中)—How much vinegar did you put in the soup? —I'm sorry to say,________.I forgot. A.no B.no one C.nothing D.none 分析:句意:-湯里放了多少醋?——對不起,我一點也沒放。我忘了。none=no 前面提到的名詞等于這里no vinegar。 答案:D 9.(2023年福建廈門雙十中學)We won't forget the financial crisis and the troubles ________has caused to the people all over the world. A.which B.this C.what D.it 分析:句子的意思:我們不能忘記金融危機及其給世界人民帶來的麻煩。it指前面提到的the financial crisis。it指前面提到的the financial crisis。 答案:D
      10.(2023年太原模擬)—Mary and Betty look exactly the same to me.
—Oh,sometimes I also find it hard to tell one from________.
A.another B.other
C.the other D.the others
句意:句意:——Mary在我看來,Betty看起來和Betty一模一樣。哦,有時候我發現很難分辨他們。談兩者時要說:one...the other。
11.“How could you lose so much money?”Charlie asked his wife,eyeing her angrily from ________the kitchen table.
A.at B.across
C.through D.on
解析:from across the kitchen table“從餐桌的另一端”。根據句子的意思,答案是。B。
12.For miles around me there was nothing but a desert,without a single plant or tree________.
A.on earth B.for distance 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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