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2023-01-29 高考



I was helping in my son’s classroom when I spotted a poster that reads, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can break my heart”. I started thinking.

Teachers are such an important part of a child’s life. A teacher’s support determines how safe a child feels in school. His inspiration determines how much risk a child will take in the classroom, his understanding determines how important a child feels in school and his love determines a child’s motivating and attitude toward education. And the effect a teacher has on a child doesn’t end when the school bell rings at the end of the day. Rather, those feelings developed in the classroom go home with the child and, in a large part, determine what sort of evening the child and the family have. The importance of a teacher to a child is fantastic and cannot be over-emphasized.

All my children are fortunate to have remarkable teachers. Consequently, the three of them love going to school almost as much as they love using teacherisms. For example, one of Hannah’s favorite phrases in used when I mess up. She looks at me with understanding and says, “It’s okay to make mistakes, mama, because you’re only learning.” Rachael’s favorite phrase is used to start most of her jobs; with a glow in her eye, she says, “I’m just going to do my best, mama, because that’s all I can do!” But perhaps my favorite is Jacob’s response to his sisters when one of them says something he doesn’t like. With his hand on his heart he says, “Don’t say that because words can break my heart.”

Like most parents, I hear teacherisms daily. And every time I hear one, my heart floods with gratefulness for the wonderful teachers who make my children feel safe, important, and successful in the classroom, and who are helping my children achieve emotional good health. There is much talk today how to measure a teacher’s worth. I think we need only look at the students. Children mirror teachers’ words and actions, and the content of those reflections shows teacher’s greatness. 1. Teachers are important to students in that . A. they equip them with book knowledge B. they help free the parents from worries C. they guarantee each family a happy evening D. they help keep them emotionally healthy

答案解析:答案為D。 本題為細節題。由第二段 “Teachers are such an important part of a child’s life. A teacher’s support determines how safe a child feels in school. His inspiration determines how much risk a child will take in the classroom, his understanding determines how important a child feels in school and his love determines a child’s

motivating and attitude toward education.” 可知,老師對學生重要是因為老師幫助學生保持精神的健康。故答案為D。

2. The three children’s examples are used to show that . A. they are lucky to have wonderful teachers

B. they can eventually develop into good teachers C. they are sometimes mentally hurt by the teachers D. they have a successful performance in school

答案解析:答案為A。本題為細節推理題。作者用自己三個孩子的例子是為了證明第三段的首句也就是該段的主題句 “All my children are fortunate to have remarkable teachers.” 意為“我的孩子非常幸運,(在學校里)有非常了不起的老師。A選項意思與此符合,故答案為A。

3. To his mother, what the boy says possibly sounds . A. ridiculous B. convincing C. humorous D. inspiring

答案解析:答案為C。本題為細節推理題。由第三段可知,作者前面提到的兩個孩子是女孩,最后一個孩子是男孩,由該段后面的內容 “But perhaps my favorite is Jacob’s response to his sisters when one of them says something he doesn’t like. With his hand on his heart he says, ‘Don’t say that because words can break my heart.’”可知,作者最喜歡的是他的兒子Jacob在姐姐們說了他不喜歡的話后所說的話,他把一只手放在自己的胸口說:“別那樣說哦,因為話能傷害我的心。” 從作者的用詞“favorite”和他兒子的言談舉止我們可以推斷一個小孩講那樣的話顯得非常幽默,故答案為C。A選項 “ridiculous” 意為 “可笑的,荒謬的”; B選項“convincing” 意為 “令人信服的”;D選項 “inspiring” 意為 “令人鼓舞的”,均不符合題意。 4. The underlined word “teacherisms” probably refers to “ ”. A. how teachers normally deal with their students B. what teachers usually say to their students C. why teachers seem important to their students D. where teachers agree with their students 答案解析:答案為B。本題為詞義猜測題。由 “teacherisms” 所在的語境 “All my children are fortunate to have remarkable teachers. Consequently, the three of them love going to school almost as much as they love using teacherisms.” 可知,作者提到自己的孩子非常幸運,在學校里有非常了不起的老師,結果,三個孩子都喜歡上學就像他們喜歡用teacherisms一樣。接下來作者用三個孩子所說的話作為例子,這些話顯得非常成熟,它們明顯來自老師平時在學校里對他們所說的,故答案為B。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

