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祝福網高考Unit 3 Under the sea細化考綱自

2023-01-30 高考


Unit 3 Under the sea



1.witness 2.opposite 3.pause 4.flee

5.drag 6.urge 7.target 8.vivid 9.neat

10.annual annually anniversary 11.accommodation accommodate 12.abandon abandoned

13.reflect reflection 14.aware

awareness 15.scare scared scary


1.ahead of 2.stop sb. (from) doing sth. 3.aim at 4.in the meantime 5.help (...) out

6.be/become aware of 7.upside down 8.(be) scared to death 9.分類;整理

10.即將到來;將要 11.靠近 12.穿著 13.放掉……;放走…… 14.支持;支持;舉起;延誤; 15.需要


1.It was a time when 2.seem to 3.It seemed


1.being kept 2.being abandoned



1.1)gave witness 2)witnessed

2.1)dragged their feet 2)drag on

3)dragging 4)away

3.1)should be taught 2)urged to take part in 3)urged

4.1)abandoned herself to 2)abandoned all hope of 3)deserted

5.1)思考 2)reflect 反映 3)反射

4)映出 5)使……受到影響

6.1)Environmental awareness 2)As far as I am aware

7.1)am scared to fly 2)is scared of

3)scare me into telling 4)scared


1.1)helped out of 2)can‟t help but 3)can‟t help crying

2.1)held up 2)hold on 3)hold down


1.1)It‟s a time when/during which there were no radios,no telephones or TV sets.

2)It is high time you told/should tell her the truth.

2.1)It seems that he likes his new job.或He seems to like his new job.

2)It seems as if he knew everything.

3)It seems (to be) a good idea.

4)There seemed to be nobody about,so I went in.


Ⅰ.1.flee 2.depth 3.relationship

4.sorting 5.shallow 6.pause 7.reflects

8.annual 9.urge 10.dragged

Ⅱ.1.been aware of 2.help out 3.upside down 4.reflected on 5.was scared to death 6.in the meantime 7.witnessed to 8.A pack of 9.was about to 10.ahead of

Ⅲ.1.B 分析:檢查動詞辨析。句子的意思是:中國說,促進中國進口的最好方法是美國放棄對高科技出口的限制。resign辭職;abandon放棄;放棄;放棄;desert放棄;放棄;放棄;放棄;放棄;放棄;放棄;放棄;release釋放。

2.A 分析:檢查定語從句的關系詞。這里的標題是第一個詞,它在定語從句中作為時間狀語。這句話的意思是,2023年世博會在一個世界正在尋找新的自然和城市平衡的時代舉行。

3.C 分析:檢查形容詞的辨析。awake醒著的;aware意識;認識;認識;conscious有意識;精神清醒;confused混亂;混亂。根據前面的提示“badly hurt in the accident”以及后面的“could think clearly”可以看出,這個人的神志是“清醒的”。

4.C 分析:檢查短語動詞。句子的意思是:人們種了很多樹來阻擋風沙。hold down壓制;限制;限制;限制;限制;限制;限制;hold up(使)延遲;延遲;支持;hold back阻力;阻力;阻力;hold out維持;堅持。

5.D 分析:句子意思:許多人沒有清楚地意識到孩子的壞習慣帶來的危險,這些壞習慣會導致孩子的夢想無法實現。空格不是句子,所以排除C項;aware 后接of,排除A項;aware不能使用修飾語very,排除B項;因此選擇D項。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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