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2023-01-30 高考



1. —Why? Where is the key to the meeting room? —Dear me! You it in the taxi!

A.had never left B.didn’t leave C.never left D.haven’t left

解析 You never left it in the taxi!你不會把它忘在出租車里嗎?.(加強語氣)

2. —I didn’t go to the Museum yesterday. —Yes, but I would rather you there too.

A.went B.had gone C.should go D.would have gone

解析 would rather 虛擬語氣(sb did/ sb had done)

I would rather you studied hard.(you don’t study hard at present.)

I would rather I had studied hard when I was at school.(I regretted that I didn’t studied hard in the past.)

3. They _______ a certain amount of working experience through volunteer work.

A. attempted B. accumulated C. abandoned D. accomplished

解析 考詞義accumulate 積累; attempt嘗試 ;abandon放棄,放棄; accomplish 完成

4. “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.” is a proverb, ______ life is beautiful and full of

frustrations as well

A. means B. to mean C. meaning D. meant

解析 meaning= which means

5. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _______ was seen at its best when he worked with others.

A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character

解析 考詞義. the beauty of his character人格的魅力

6. Nowadays sending e-mails to each other is a way many a student _______ what they think.

A. conveys B. convey C. account D. accounts

解析 convey 表達Words can’t convey my feelings.言語無法表達我的情緒.

Many a 名詞/more than one 名詞/every…and every…/ no…and no…等作主語,雖然表示復數意義,但謂語動詞使用單數.

7.The athletes spent as much time getting trained as they __ studying.

A. were B. had C. did D. disliked


8. ---He was nearly drowned in a pool.

---Oh, when was ___ exactly?

--- It was in 1983 ____ he was swimming with his friends.

A. this; that B. that; when C. that; that D. what; when

解析:That,it都指那件事 第二句完全補充 He was nearly drowned in 1983 when he was swimming with his friends.

9. --- I am going downtown. --- Come on. _________.

Don't do that. B. You are welcome. C. Come with me. D. I'll give you a lift.


10. --- Does anybody want an extra ticket to go to the cinema?

--- Whom would you rather ______ with you, George or me?

A. have go B. have gone C. to go D. going

分析:疑問句改為陳訴句you would rather have whom go with you. 另短語Have sb do

11. The managing director was to _______ the accident, although it was not his fault.

A. be blamed for B. be blamed on C. blame for D. blame on

解析:sb be to blame for 沒有被動結構,某人應該受到責備。

blame sth on sb把責任歸咎于某人

12. Why does teaching as a career ______ many people?

A. apply for B. attract to C. appeal to D. agree with

解析:apply for申請 attract吸引 attract sb / sth to把…吸引到…appeal to對…有誘惑力

13. I advise you not to ask him for advice, as he was not good at getting his ideas ____.

A. along B. away C. through D. across

解析:get sth across to sb 向SB解釋清楚;讓SB理解sth

14. Scientific research results can now be quickly _____ to factory production.

A. used B. applied C. tried D. practiced


be used to 被用來; 習慣于 apply sth to 把…運用于 put sth to practice 把…付諸于實踐

15. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ______ in broad daylight yesterday. 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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