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情態動詞 have done sth

2023-01-31 高考
1、情態動詞 have done sth
①should (ought to) have done sth  本該做卻沒有做
This wall oughtn’t to have been painted blue.
②need have done sth   本來有必要做而不做
You needn’t have told her the news.
③must have done sth   對過去所做動作的肯定推測
---We went to Paris.
---That must have been nice.
④can have done sth    對過去行動的否定或懷疑進行推測
I don’t think he can have heard you. Call again.
Where can John have put the matches?
⑤may (might) have done sth 與could相比,過去可能會發生一些事情,may和 might可能性小,might 可能性較小;might 也可以表示過去可能發生但沒有發生的事情。
Polly’s very late----she may (might) have missed her etrain.
You were stupid to try climbing there. You might have killed youself
⑥could have done sth  
“推測過去”可能“發生了什么” (同can, 但是can不需要肯定句)
She could have gone off with some friends.
You were stupid to go skiing there----you could have broken your leg.
You could have helped me !
(You were able to help me, but you didn’t.)
2、can     could     be able to       “表達”能力
can 通常表示當前或“一般能力”——也就是說,無論你什么時候想做,你都可以
做到的能力, 簡單地說明一個人有一定的能力。
You can certainly cook, even if you can’t do anything else.
be able to這意味著有人通過努力克服困難做某事。
will be able to 展示未來的能力
I’ll be able to speak German in another few months.
could 表達  “一般能力”——也就是說,你過去想做什么就能做什么
She could sing like an angel when she was a kid.
但could 在這個時候,它不能表達過去的特定能力was able to,  managed to 或 succeeded in 等
How many eggs were you able to get ?
3、can, could, may和might “表達”的可能性
Anybody who wants to can become a prison visitor.
①---What shall we do ?
---We can try asking Lucy for help. ②
Who can that be at the door ? Can it be Polly?③
may 可用于表達:①未來的可能性;②說話的時候,有些事情可能是真的
We may go climbing this summer. ①
You may be right.②
could / might 可用表示: ①說話時有些事情可能是真的;②將來
You could be right, but I don’t think you are.① 
It could rain later on this evening. ②
4、can,  could,  may 和might表示“允許”
①要求允許:他們都可以表示要求允許做某事,could 和 might不代表過去
Can (May, Could) I borrow your umbrella ?
You may / can watch TV for as long as you like. (不用could, might; mustn’t 意思是“拒絕”)
---Could I use your phone?   
---Yes, of course you can /may.  (No, you can’t / may not.)
這種用法在陳述句和疑問句中很常見 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:英語   高考
