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2023-01-31 高考

英語試卷發出后,先檢查試卷是否完整,然后快速瀏覽聽力試題,做出必要的推測。只有這樣,我們才能有針對性地傾聽。你必須先看聽力試題。不要急于做一個選擇題。有關2023年高考英語的更多信息,請登錄云煙愛英語頻道。歡迎收集本網站(CTRL D可收藏)!


1. 確定地點


a. At a school: classroom, grade, textbook, mark, pass the exam, failure, break, exam-paper, absent from school, attend school, excellent.

b. At a bank:check, cash, currency, deposit, passbook, interest rate, change money, cash a check, credit card.

c. At a restaurant:dinner, snack,order, vegetables, drink, menu, Chinese food,Western-style food, dessert, taste, delicious, bill, check.

2. 估算數字

★答題策略:考生不僅要熟悉數字閱讀,還要注意時間、價格、距離、日期和相關量詞的表達。對于需要計算或推理的問題,考生還應注意準確理解錄音中的倍數、百分比等數量概念,以及表達更有意義的句型結構。比如: double, twice, three times, as big as, ten minutes late, half the price, five percent等。

3. 推理判斷

  ★答題策略:這類試題比較難,要求考生不僅要理解對話內容,還要從對話內容中判斷對話結果、行為趨勢或邏輯關系。通常是在對話中Speaker l提出問題或請求,Speaker 2表達意見或建議,下一步Speaker l可以同意、接受、反對、拒絕,最終態度可能不太清楚,考生需要根據談話的內容和語氣做出判斷。在回答這類問題時,考生應注意以下句型和結構:

(1)比較結構(2)虛擬句型 (3)表示贊成的句式 (4)表示否定的句式 (5)表示讓步的句型

4. 分析原因


表示因果關系的連詞包括:because, since, as, for, now that, so that, therefore, hence, etc.

表示因果關系的介詞包括:for, by, through, because of,as a result of, thanks to, due to, etc.

表達因果關系的句型有:表達情感的形容詞 that從句為例:Mary is so glad/pleased/surprised that she got the first prize in the contest.

常見的聽力詞匯和句型 一級重要詞:



名詞:rent, style, reservation, conference, grades, return flights, accommodation, details, destination, flat/apartment, section, a king’s room, shower, deadline,

動詞:reserve, spare, register, sign, appreciate,

形容詞:available, amazing, scaring, boring, incredible, grand, extra, awful, digital, punctual,

副詞:definitely, down, though, slightly,

詞組:check out, start off, look into, now that, in a long run, on behalf of, bound for, apart from, tour/scenic spots, take/leave a message, drop in on/at, 5 reception/receptionist/reception, desk,

put sb. at ease, drop sb. off, in stock,

句型:1.Then all set 2.Take your time. 3. Anything but cheap. 4.No wonder„

5. It‟s a deal. 6. You‟re kidding. 7. Can we make it…? 8.That‟s the way it is.

9. It depends. 10. It‟s not intended for scientists, either.

精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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