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2023-02-04 高考



1. 詞組: add up 合計

add up to 總計達

add… to… 把。。加到。。。里

add to 增加 增添 擴建

2. calm… down 平靜下來

3. have got to 不得不,必須

4. be concerned about / for 關心

5. walk the dog 遛狗 cheat … of 欺騙。。

6. go through 穿過 完成 用完 通過 仔細檢查

go ahead 同意某人的請求

go by 流逝

7. set down 記下

set up 建立

set off 出發 引爆

set out to do=set about doing 著手做某事

8. a series of 一系列

9. on purpose 故意地 by accident= chance 偶然地

10. in order to= so as to 為了 目的是in order that = so that

11. at dusk 在黃昏 at dawn 在黎明

at midnight 在午夜 at noon 在中午

12. face to face 面對面

13. no longer= not … any longer 不再

14. settle down 安頓下來 suffer from 遭受,患病

15. recover from 恢復 ,痊愈

16. get/ be tired of 對…感到厭煩

17. make a list of 列清單

18. pack… up 裝箱打包

19. get along/ on with與…相處,/ 進展

20. fall in love 愛上

21. be grateful to sb. for sth.對某人因為某事表示感激

22. join in/ take part in /join/ attend 參加… 加入

23. make sb/ sth + 賓語補足語 使…

24. have something/little /nothing to do with 與..有關, 與。。。無關

25. it’s because….. +原因

26. it’s why…. + 結果

27. dare + (to) do (實義動詞) do (情態動詞) 敢

28. a year and a half= one and a half years 一年半

29. it’s no pleasure+ doing sth 沒有樂趣做。。。

30. happen to do sth 碰巧做。。。

31. have trouble/ difficulty with sb /(in) doing sth 做某事有困難

32. exactly 的確如此

not exactly 不完全是

33. find it + adj. + to do sth 發現做。。。很。。。

34. make friends with 與。。。交朋友

35. swap … with 與。。。交換

36. it is / was + 序數詞 time + that + has done / had done ….某人第幾次做。。。事


because of由于

come up上來;發生;提到;開庭

come up with想起

come in進來,進入

come on快點;開始;前進;開始工作

come out出來,發芽

actually= in fact =as a matter of fact= in reality實際上

be based on在……的基礎上

at present現在

make use of make full/ good use of充分利用

such as例如

play a part/ role in在……扮演角色

recognize … as將……認成……、

more than one + 謂語用單數 不止一個的……、

at the end of在……的末尾

in the end 最終

at an end到頭;結束,終止,耗盡

voyage= tour= travel= journey旅行,旅途

than ever before 比以往都更……、

even if / though雖然

communicate with those + 定語從句 用who 和某些人交流,交流的人們用定語從句修飾

in his forties 在他的40多歲的時候

the former the latter 前者……后者……

a number of很多

the number of……的數量

make sense 有意義 對usage / use 用途

believe it or not信不信由你

there is no such + 名詞 (不加冠詞) 沒有這樣的

the way + in which / that /省略 ……的方式

especially = specially尤其

straight adj/ adv 筆直的,正直的


prefer to do , rather than do 喜歡做……而不喜歡做

would rather do , than do喜歡做……而不喜歡做

would do , rather than do喜歡做……而不喜歡做

fare VS fee費用

ever since自從

it’s is / has been + 時間段 + since 從句 自……以來已經

graduate from/ in從……畢業

be fond of喜愛

cut across穿過打斷;抄近路穿過;遮斷;與…相抵觸

cut up切碎;砍傷;惡作劇;使悲痛

cut down砍倒

care about照顧

care for關心

determine to do sth = be determined to do sth 決心做某事

change one’s mind改變主意

make up one’s mind改變主意

at an altitude of在……的海拔高度

give in 屈服

give up 放棄

give off發出,放出 give out分發,公布

give away泄露,贈送

keep pace with與……并進

as usual像往常一樣

bend over趴;伏;彎腰,彎曲

take the advantage of利用

persuade sb to do sth / into doing sth not to do sth/ out of doing sth 說服某人做或者不做某事 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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