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2023-03-17 高考


121 calm down (使)平息

122 go camping 去野營 ; summer camp 夏令營

123 can‘t help doing sth. 忍不住做點什么

124 call off=取消cancel

125 take care of=look after 照料

126 care for 喜歡;想要

127 carry away 運走;使失去理智; carry off 帶走; carry on 繼續;carry out 貫徹;落實

128 in any case 無論如何 in that case 假若那樣; in case(of) 萬一; in no case 決不

129 be caught in (the rain,the shower, a trap) 遇雨;陷入陷阱; catch up with 趕上

130 cause and effect 因果; immediate cause的直接原因

131 be cautious of 謹防

132 hold a celebration 舉行慶祝會; in celebration of 慶祝

133 perform the opening( closing) ceremony 舉行開幕式(閉幕式); graduation 畢業典禮 134 for a certain reason 出于某種原因; be certain of 確信

for certain( sure) 肯定地; make certain of(that 從句)保證

134 give a challenge to sb. 挑戰某人; challenge sb. to do sth. 挑戰某人。。。。

accept one"s challenge to do sth.接受某人的挑戰。。。。

challenge one‘s interest/attention 引起某人的興趣/注意

135 take a chance(risk) 冒險;投機

136 change…for ...........; change ..into… 把。。。。變成 change one’s mind 改變主意

137 check out 查明(帳);辦理離店手續

138 have no choice but to do 除此之外。。別無選擇

139 go to( attend) church 去做禮拜; go to the church 去教堂(做其他事情)

140 clear away 清理;散去; clear up (天氣)放晴 be good(clever) at 擅長

141 close down 關門 bring to a close 使。。結束 come to a close結束 be close to 接近

142 collect stamps 集郵

143 combine…into 把。。。。聯合起來

144 come about 發生; come down 下降;下降;下降;下降; come to 達到;共計

145 take command of 指揮; have a good command of 掌握(語言)

146 compare with 和。。比較; compare … to… 把。。。比較

147 compete with/against sb. 和。。競爭;競爭;競爭;競爭;競爭;compete for 為。。競爭;競爭;競爭;compete with sb. in 是的。。。與某人競爭。與某人競爭。

148 concentrate one"s mind( attention) on/upon sth. 集中注意力。。。。

149 in conflict with 和。。。相沖突

150 connect..with/to 把。和。。。連接/連接。


《 《 祝福網高考頻道



精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

