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2023-03-25 高考

Running is becoming increasingly popular in cities because it is a good way of keeping fit. More importantly, it (25)________ (signal) a society's awakening against the slavery imposed by the modern way of life, complete with the Internet, mobile phones, iPads and apps which make people lazy, says Liao Baoping in (26)________ article in Xinhua News Telegraph.
Not only are more people taking to running, they are (27)________ using wearable devices and using software on their cellphones to record the distance they cover and the amount of calories they burn. Besides, charting out ideal running routes in cities has become a popular topic of discussion among runners.
But apart from physical fitness and stress-relief, there are other reasons why running has become so popular in China. (28)________ hen an activity becomes fashion, says Liao, it has to satisfy people’s psychological needs .
The commute from home to office and back, or a drive to a shopping mall, has become routine in today's "concrete jungles". Living in rooms (29)________ with air conditioners, many people don't even feel the changes in the season. We are moving farther away from nature thanks to the knowledge and technologies (30)________ have been acquired and mastered so far,says Liao.
According to Liao, to some extent, running is an escape from the risks and boredom of modern life. It (31)________ be seen as people's longing for a return to nature.
People desperately want to get rid of the restrictions of modern life. And a pair of running shoes and perseverance are (32)________ one needs to become a runner and embrace nature.

Americans are living longer, with our average life expectancy now surpassing 78 years, up from less than 74 years in 1980.But we are not necessarily living (33) ________(healthy). The incidence of a variety of chronic diseases,(34) ________diabetes and heart disease, has also been growing dramatically, especially among people who are not yet elderly.
The mix of those two developments (35) ________(lead) to what some researchers have identified as a “lengthening of morbidity(病態)”. (36) ________means we are spending more years living with chronic disease and ill health-not the outcome that most of us would hope for from a prolonged life span.
But a notable new study published in Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that a little advance planning could change that prospect. Being or becoming fit in middle age, the study found, (37) ________ ________ you haven’t previously bothered with exercise, appears to reshape the landscape in aging.
For the study, researchers gathered medical records for 18,670 middle-aged men and women who’d visited the Cooper Clinic for a checkup (38) ________ (begin) in 1970.
(39) ________ they found was that those adults who had been the least fit at the time of their middle-age checkup also were the most likely (40) ________ (develop) any of eight serious or chronic conditions early in the ageing process. These include heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and colon or lung cancer.

Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. equivalents B. increase C. capped D. acknowledged E. regulations
F. comparatively G. undeniable H. vast I. restoration J. ranked
K. moderately
This past National Day holiday saw upwards of half a billion Chinese citizens travelling. While some flew off to international destinations, the ___41___ majority enjoyed the many tourist sites that China has to offer. If you were one of those people who decided to explore China’s scenic spots, you probably realized that it isn’t just the mountain steps that are steep-the entrance fees are, too!
The average cost of the highest ___42___ 5A attractions is 109 yuan. This could prove to be a little too steep for some families, who find themselves spending too large a portion of their holiday budget on admission tickets. The 32 5A locations that upped their prices in the past five years experienced an average ___43___ of over 40 percent. The bad news is that these prices are expected to continue to rise. So how does China’s situation compare to other parts of the world? The average fees for cultural and historical sites seem to be on par with(與…同價) international ____44__ It’s quite another story, however, when you compare natural wonders. For example, the cost of a ticket to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park(張家界國家森林公園) hovers around 245 yuan for a three-day tour. This seems ___45_ high when you consider that a week long pass to America’s Yellowstone National Park (黃石國家公園)is a mere 74 yuan. here are ___46__ benefits to increased revenue(收益) from ticket sales, which support necessary ___47_ , maintenance and operation costs. This is especially important for sites that must keep visitor numbers down in order to protect the natural environment. However, it must also be ___48_ that many of China’s tourist attractions are operated by private companies who are ultimately protecting their bottomline(盈虧底線). 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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