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2023-03-25 高考

1. give sb sth / give sth to sb 把某物給某人。例如:

Please give me a dictionary. / Please give a dictionary tome. 請給我一本詞典。

2. give away

(1) 分發,送人,送禮。例如:

He gave away all his money to the poor. 他把所有的錢都給了窮人。

(2) 拋棄,出賣。例如:

I know you didn’t want to give your friend away. 我知道你不想賣掉你的朋友。

(3) 泄漏,暴露。例如:

He gave away the secret through carelessness. 他一時大意,泄露了秘密。

3. give in

(1) 上交。如:

Give in your examination papers now. 現在請把試卷交上來。

(2) 讓步,投降。例如:

The enemy were at last forced to give in. 敵人終于被迫投降了。

He has given in to my views. 他已經聽從了我的意見。

4. give off 發出(光、熱、聲、氣味等)。

The gas gave off an unpleasant smell. 這種氣體有一種難聞的氣味。

The chemical change gives off heat and light. 這種化學變化發出熱和光。

5. give out

(1) 分發,分發。如:

Give the money out to the children. 把錢給孩子們。

The teacher gave out the examination papers. 老師把試卷發了下來。

(2) 耗盡,耗盡。例如:

Our money soon gave out. 我們的錢很快就用完了。

My patience at last gave out. 我終于失去了耐心。

(3) 垮掉。如:

The chair gave out under the fat woman. 這個胖女人坐在椅子上。

(4) 故障,故障。例如:

The car gave out at the foot of a hill. 汽車在一座山腳下壞了。

The car engine suddenly gave out. 汽車發動機突然失靈。

(5) 發表,公布。例如:

It was given out that he was dead. 他的死訊已經公布。

(6) 發出(熱、聲、信號等)。

The gas-fire gives out a good heat. 煤氣爐發出大量的熱量。

6. give up

(1) 放棄,戒掉。例如:

He’s given up the idea. 他已經放棄了這個想法。

The doctor told me to give up smoking. 醫生叫我戒煙。

(2) 交出,讓出。例如:

Give up your arms and live! 交槍不殺!

He gave up his seat to an old woman. 他把座位給了一位老太太。

(3) 投降,認輸。例如:

They gave up without a fight. 他們不戰而降。

I give up; tell me wht the answer is. 我放棄了,告訴我答案。



精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

