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2023-03-26 高考

高中英語作文:滇緬公路(Burma Road)


The old soldiers urge me not to go looking. They'd prefer to think that the road they hacked across India's steep Patkai Range and down through the jungles of Burma to China during World War II is gone. That its two stringy lanes—now six decades old—have been devoured by time and landslides, jungle monsoons and swampy earth.


But right now, step after step, I'm crossing a steel bridge near the northeastern Indian village of Jairampur: a dilapidated span the old soldiers laid above the muddy Khatang Nalla in early 1943, the first true bridge of the Burma Road's 1,100-mile (1,800 kilometer) length.

可是現在,我正一步一步地越過印度東北Jairampur村附近地一個鐵橋:這座已經荒廢了的橋是老兵們于1943年初,在泥濘的Khatang Nalla河上架設的,這也是全長1800公里的滇緬公路的第一座真正的橋。

I leave the bridge's far end, walking between walls of rain forest that rise like green tapestries a hundred feet high. As I walk, I'm thinking of Mitchell Opas, now 86, who served as a U.S. Army medic during World War II and whom I've interviewed at reunion  s from Massachusetts to Texas. "If that road's still there," Opas has instructed me, his finger pointed in my direction for emphasis, "then you send pictures of it."

我走出了橋的盡頭,走入了拔地而起的重重雨林,像是走在百英尺高的綠色掛毯之間。我一邊走一邊想著現年86歲的Mitchell Opas,他在二戰期間是美軍義務人員,我在從麻省到德州的各類老兵聚會上數次采訪過他。“如果那條路還在的話,”Opas用手指著我,加強語氣說:“那你就寄些他的照片回來。”

Up the pavement ahead of me, dogs doze in the sun as children run back and forth across the otherwise empty road's chipped asphalt. Two hundred yards farther along, a wood-planked district police station encircled by razor wire sits off the road's left shoulder. When I begin to pass it by, a green-uniformed sentry—his assault rifle slung across his belly—lifts his weapon. Using the gun's black barrel, he motions me inside the front gate. "Please," he suggests, "come inside."


I'm led to the commander's office, where I'm offered a handshake and a chair. The commander is an imposing man in his 40s named G. K. Grung, his olive uniform festooned with flashing gold stars. Seated behind a wooden desk, he examines my passport and visa. He's especially interested in my Restricted Area Permit, the paper authorizing me to travel the final 18 miles (28 kilometers) of road inside India's otherwise off-limits state of Arunachal Pradesh. Here in Arunachal's jungle, the road crests a 3,727-foot (1,135-meter) mountain notch called Pangsau Pass, which constitutes India's hotly defended border with Myanmar, the nation formerly known as Burma.

我被引入指揮官的辦公司,他跟我握了手,請我坐下。年過40的指揮官名叫G. K. Grung,頗有威嚴,橄欖色制服上掛滿閃閃發亮的金星。他坐在木桌后,先檢查了我的護照和簽證。他對我的“禁區通行證”特別感興趣,這個文件授權我行走此路段的最后28公里,這段路位于印度的禁區Arunachal Pradesh。公路在Arunachal的叢林中直上1136公尺高的Pangsau隘口(在印度語中的意思為“地獄隘口”)。這里位于印度和緬甸激烈爭議的邊界上。

Commander Grung looks up. "I'm sorry," he says, "but we have been issued new orders about the road to Pangsau Pass. No visitors are allowed past this point. Unfortunately, this means you." He smiles, then taps his desk with his right forefinger. "There is significant rebel activity here at the moment. The jungles are something of a no-man's-land. We cannot assure your security. Therefore, you cannot proceed."

Grung指揮官抬起頭。“很抱歉,”他說:“我們已經接到關于通往Pangsau隘口路段的新指示。所有訪客都禁止通過此處。很不幸,這也包括你。”他微微一笑,然后用右手食指輕敲桌面。“目前本地叛軍活動十分猖獗,叢林已經是戰爭的前線了。我們無法保證你的安全,因此,你不能再往前了。” 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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