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2023-03-29 高考



US billionaires are back on top with Microsoft founder Bill Gates again the world's richest man in a year when even billionaires felt the heat of the global recession, Forbes magazine said Wednesday.

The wealthy few did not escape big shocks this year, with net worth on the list of 793 billionaires -- down from 1,125 billionaires in 2008-- plummeting to 2.4 trillion dollars from 4.4 trillion, Forbes said.

"The biggest news today is that we are here and there still are billionaires," Forbes spokeswoman Monie Begley joked at a press conference.

The much-watched annual rich list put Gates back on top with a net worth of 40 billion dollars, although he saw his bank balance lose 18 billion over the last 12 months. In second came investor Warren Buffett with 37 billion dollars, despite losing 25 billion dollars this year in the value of his Berkshire Hathaway shares. Also losing 25 billion dollars, Mexican telecoms king Carlos Slim still managed to come in third with 35 billion dollars.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, at number 17, was notable as the only top 20 member to see a net gain. That was not because of his salary, which is a symbolic one dollar a year, but thanks to re-evaluation of Bloomberg financial news agency after the mayor bought a 20 percent stake from Merrill Lynch last year for 4.5 billion dollars.

About 64 percent of the billionaires are self-made and their average age is 63.7, a slight rise resulting from the lower number of rich Russians and Chinese, whose average ages last year were 46 and 48.

By contrast with that aging trend, Gates is a relatively youthful 53. The youngest billionaire prize this year goes to Albert von Thurn und Taxis of Germany, who is 25 and listed as having 2.1 billion dollars. But one of the young success stories from last year -- Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg -- dropped off the list altogether. 1. Of all the billionaires mentioned above, who didn’t lose in the global recession?

A. Bill Gates. B. Warren Buffet. C. Carlos Slim. D. Michael Bloomberg.

答案解析:答案為D。本題為細節題。由第五段“New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, at number 17, was notable as the only top 20 member to see a net gain.”可知,排名第十七的Michael Bloomberg是唯一一位前20名富翁中獲得凈利的,因此他就是在全球經濟蕭條中沒有輸的人,故答案為D。

2. The sentence “The biggest news today is that we are here and there still are billionaires” may probably means ______

A. the number of billionares in 2009 is much smaller than that in 2008 B. the number of billionares in 2009 is a bit larger than that in 2008

C. there are many billionaires in America, which is the biggest news today. D. the biggest news is that many billionaires are at the press conference 答案解析:答案為A。本題為語義理解題。該句話出現在第三段《財富(福布斯)》雜志發言人在記者招待會上的玩笑話,結合第二段的內容 “The wealthy few did not escape big shocks this year, with net worth on the list of 793 billionaires -- down from 1,125 billionaires in 2008 -- plummeting to 2.4 trillion dollars from 4.4 trillion, Forbes said.”可知,發言人指出今年(2009年)有793位億萬富翁,2008年卻有1,125位,因此該發言人的言外之意就是2009年的億萬富翁比2008年少了,故答案為A。C選項只是文字的表層意思,D選項與文意完全不符合,均不選。 3. How many billion dollars did the US billionaires lose in 2008 altogether mentioned in the paragraph 4?

A. 18 B. 25 C. 43 D. 50

答案解析:答案為C。本題為數字計算題。題干要求算出第四段中美國的億萬富翁在2008年總共損失多少美元,由第四段可知,Gates損失了18 billion,Warren Buffett損失了25 billion,他們都是美國人,總共是43 billion,故答案為C。第四段提到的第三位雖然也損失了25 billion,但是是墨西哥人,因此他所損失的美元不計入總數。

4. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Self-Made Billionaires B. What Made Billionaires C. Bill Gates Back on Top Again D. Biggest Gainter and Biggest Loser 答案解析:答案為C。本題要求選擇最佳標題。從文章的語言可以看出本文為新聞報道,首段的內容就是該報道的中心內容,故答案為C。


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