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2023-04-02 高考


Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”



1.scenery 2.measure 3.aboard 4.border 5.confirm 6.broad 7.nearby 8.surround

surroundings surrounding 9.slight slightly 10.mix mixture 11.wealthy wealth 12.tradition traditional

13.terrify terrified terrifying terror 14.distance distant 15.impress impression impressive


1.in the distance 2.have a gift for 3.manage to do 4.settle down 5.catch sight of 6.不愿意

7.在旅途中 8.參加比賽 9.由……環繞 10.黎明時分


1.that 2.don‟t until


1.that 2.that 3.that



1.1)is surrounded by 2)is surrounded 3)environments 4)their natural surroundings

2.1)confirms my opinion 2)was confirmed as captain 3)she confirmed that

3.1)What is the distance 2)Keep a safe distance 3)took a distant attitude 4)three miles

distant/away from my house 5)from a long distance away

4.1)were deeply impressed by 2)impressed the importance of English on/upon me 3)It impressed me that 4)impressed me with


1.1)prefer to start early,rather than 2)Rather than 3)other than 4)or rather

2.1)settle down 2)settle the audience down 3)settled down to farming 4)settle in

5)settle the date

3.1)managed to get in contact 2)tried to stand up 3)managed to 4)Can you manage it

4.1)As far as I am concerned 2)as far as the lake 3)as far as I can 4)as far as it goes

5)far from satisfactory


1.1)that 2)that/which 3)that 4)whether 5)who

2.1)until 2)It was not until they came to China Not until they came to China 3)until/till the mayor came


Ⅰ.1.continents 2.distance 3.gift 4.surrounded 5.impression 6.settled 7.broad 8.border

9.slightly 10.within

Ⅱ.1.expressed his hope that 2.as far as the sea 3.what the distance was 4.that you can cross Canada in less than five days 5.win thousands of dollars in prizes 6.visiting the artists in their workplaces

Ⅲ.1.B 分析:考試強調句型。這里的nott until 1920年是被強調的一部分。這句話的意思是:直到1920年,美國婦女才有機會在國家選舉中投票。

2.C 分析:news后面跟著同位語從句,從句中不乏任何成分,所以用that引導。句子的意思是:從學校辦公室傳來的消息說王林被北京大學錄取了。

3.A 分析:根據上下文的語境,impress與句子中的audience之間存在動賓關系,因此以過去的分詞作為狀語;B、D兩項為主動語態;C項不定式位于句首表示目的。

4.A 分析:檢查連詞辨析。as far as sb.can remember的意思是:根據某人的記憶。句子的意思是:根據我的記憶,除了報紙,我從來沒見過他讀過什么。

5.A 分析:檢查distance組成的短語。句子的意思是:老師應該和學生保持一定的距離,但不要太遠。keep(sb.)at a distance與(某人)保持一定距離,in the distance“在遠處”。

6.B 分析:檢查非謂語動詞。walk這個動作和句子主語是主動的,所以現在用walking分詞作為狀語;而suround和賓語himself是動賓關系,所以用過去的分詞作為賓語。

7.B 分析:句意:絕大多數人同意核技術的發展應該造福人類,而不是危害人類。只有說唱。 than 表示“不是,而不是”。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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