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2023-04-09 高考

考試結束后,祝福網高考頻道及時公布各科高考試題答案、高考作文及試卷專家點評, 請注意廣大考生家長。時光飛逝, 暑假過去了,新學期開始了,不管情愿與否, 不管準備與否, 我們已經進入高三, 走近我們的夢想!希望2014年高考決戰的新高三學生能更加努力,在2014年高考中取得優異成績。

191. It isn"t so much whether he works hard; the question is whether he works _____.

A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all

[答案]C. at all.

[注釋]at All是完整的,真實的(常用于肯定句):If you do it at all, do it well.如果你真的做到了,你就得做好。)not...at 不,不:He doesn"t seem at all interested in my plane.(他似乎對我的計劃不感興趣。)above all(=most important of all)最重要的。in All總計:We were fifteen in all.(我們總共有15人。)after 畢竟,all,畢竟。


192. Mary had taken _____ to see that her guests had everything that they could possibly want.

A. efforts B. pains C. attempts D. endeavors

[答案]B. pains.

how to do the work.

193. He ate what he could, and gave the _____ of the food to the birds.

A. remain B. uneaten C. rest D. part

[答案]C. reset [注釋]take pains to do sth.努力做某事:I"m grateful because you have taken pains to show me

[注釋]the rest (of)剩下的,剩下的。remain作為“剩余物”(=what is left)復數形式常用于解決,如:the remains of a meal(殘羹剩飯)。[ALI]《新英漢詞典》認為,單數也可以用作參考。

194. The government placed _____ on the numbers of foreign cars that could be imported.

A. limitations B. restraint

C. requirements D. restrictions

[答案]D. restrictions.

[注釋]restriction限制性規定(可數名稱):It is a club with rigid restrictions on its membership.Limitation的局限性、缺點、缺點(可數):1)I know my limitations.(我知道我的缺點。) 2)Every from of art has its limitations.(每一種藝術形式都有其局限性。)

195. We won"t know whether it will be successful. We won"t know whether there will be good _____.

A. ends B. results C. effects D. causes

[答案]B. results.

[注]result是指“由某種活動或某種原因產生的結果”,如:obtain(=get, attain, gain win, secure)good results(取得好成果),publish the results(公布結果)。

196. No one imagined that the apparently _____ businessman was really a criminal.

A. respectful B. respectable C. respective D. respected

[答案]B. respectable.



197. At first the institute refused to purchase the telescope, but this decision was _____ revised.

A. occasionally B. consequently

C. successively D. subsequently.

[答案]D. subsequently.


198. The speaker _____ several other subjects in the course of his talk but mostly kept himself to the main topic.

A. held on B. worked out C. touched on D. kept out of

[答案]C. touched on

[注釋]touch 簡單地說。參考Ⅲ.178注釋。

199. Comrade Li Dazhao, _____ librarian of Beijing University, was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party.

A. sometimes B. sometime C. some time D. some times

[答案]B. sometime.

[注釋]sometime(=former)過去的,過去的:Alice Brown, a sometime pupil of our school, is now a teacher there.

200. Alice was very sorry to hear that her grandmother had _____ two days before.

A. broken off B. passed off

C. given away D. passed away

[答案]D. passed away.

[注釋]pass away(=die)死亡,是“死亡”的委婉語。

break off中斷;give 給予away;泄漏;pass off中止,中斷。






2013年高考英語試題分類總結:倒裝: 強調與省略



精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

