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2023-04-13 高考

25.答案為 Without。考查學生根據上下文語境正確使用介詞的能力。
注:22題答案 “Without” 若不大寫不給分。
Ⅱ 閱讀理解(共兩節,滿分50分)
26. 答案為C。考查細節。根據文章前一段可知。
27. 答案為B。考查細節。根據文章的 一、二段可知。
28. 答案為A。考查細節。根據第三段可知。
29. 答案為D。考查推理。根據全文可知。
30. 答案為A。考查概括。通過閱讀全文可知。
31. 答案為A。考查細節。根據第一段前半截可知。
32. 答案為D。考查細節。根據文章第一段后半截內容可知。
33. 答案為B。考查推理。根據文章第三段內容可知。
34. 答案為B.。考查猜詞。根據本段最后maximize our potential可知。
35. 答案為D。考查推理。理解整個故事可知。
36. 答案為D。考查細節。理解文章第一段可知。
37. 答案為B。考查細節。根據文章第二段可知。
38. 答案為D。考查推理。根據第三段內容可知。
39. 答案為C。考查細節。理解第四段可知。
40. 答案為B。考查推理。理解文章最后一段可知。
46. 答案為D。答案由 “They will be organizing homework, class arrangements; They will give
assignments and mark.” 和 “looking for an assistant teacher to help teachers organize classes,
correct students’ homework and so on.”對應。
47. 答案為A。答案由 “volunteer for community school assistance in Jacó, Costa Rica” , 與
“wants to assist in Jacó, Costa Rica; do all kinds of jobs for school children” 對應所決定。
48. 答案為E。答案由 “looking for volunteers ready to make a lasting impact in Costa Rica;
provide free English classes”, “give classes to children in rural communities or public schools
for free to make a lasting influence in Costa Rica” 對應所決定。
49. 答案為B。 答案由 “Association For Human Rights; especially children and adolescents,
who have been victims of violation”與 “is keen on working for human rights, especially
children and adolescents, who have been victims of violation”所決定。
50. 答案為C。答案由 “Enjoy volunteer in Wild Animal Rescue Center in the Amazon of
Ecuador”與“volunteer in Wild Animal Rescue Center in the Amazon of Ecuador.” 所決定。
Ⅲ 寫作(共兩節,滿分為40分)
On Dec. 16th 2014, new College Entrance Examination Scheme of China was issued, which announced that the future college entrance examination will include 3 main subjects: Chinese, math and English, whose total scores are respectively 150. From all the 6 optional subjects: politics, history, geography, chemistry, physics and biology, students can choose any three of them. The optionals will be divided into 5 levels: A level will cover 15% of the total students, B and C 30% each, D and E 25% together. The rest will be marked with “pass” or “failure”, and comprehensive quality will be consulted before admitted into universities. The new scheme intends to reduce students’ burden, develop their interests and cultivate their abilities.

The website introduces who they are and how to start small good deeds. By doing so, they call on people to post their deeds on the website so that they can encourage others to do the same. 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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