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Unit 4 Body language細化考綱

2023-05-05 高考


Unit 4 Body language



1.approach 2.major 3.function 4.false 5.rank 6.truly true truth 7.state statement

8.greet greeting 9.represent representative 10.association

associate 11.curious curiosity 12.defend

defence 13.misunderstand misunderstanding 14.anger angry 15.subjective subject


1.保衛……以免受 2.舒適,快樂 3.誤解 4.丟臉 5.一般來說;一般來說 6.向某人點頭 7.show respect for 8.turn one‟s back to

9.be likely to 10.kiss sb.on the cheek 11.on the contrary 12.come close to


1.saw several young people enter 2.The first person to arrive 3.Not all cultures nor are they comfortable 4.it


1.representing 2.looking 3.appearing 4.dashing smiling



1.1)On behalf of everyone here 2)represented our school 3)represented herself as 4)represent

2.1)are always curious about 2)am curious to know 3)It‟s curious that 4)out of curiosity

3.1)is approaching 2)The approach of winter 3)The best approach to learning a foreign language

4)All the approaches to the palace 5)approach this problem

4.1)likely 2)One likely result 3)It‟s highly likely 4)possible 5)probable


1.1)in general 2)As a whole 3)Generally speaking 4)In a word

2.1)put yourself at ease 2)make people feel at ease 3)take your ease 4)with ease 5)ease the pain

3.1)The embarrassing situation caused me to lose face.

2)I sat face to face with her.

3)I dare you not to speak to my face.

4)They showed courage in the (face) of danger.

4.1)It‟s wrong of you 2)what‟s wrong with her 3)we were all wrong about


1.1)the best way to make friends 2)closely 3)closely

2.1)Not everyone agrees 2)All of the students don‟t like 3)I know none of them.

4)I like neither of the books.


Ⅰ.1.associated 2.statement 3.curious 4.represented 5.defend 6.function

7.misunderstanding 8.cultures 9.major 10.rank

Ⅱ.1.To avoid being seen by the teacher

2.are likely to happen 3.shook hands with him 4.in a friendly way 5.looked around 6.being too close or too far away 7.walked up and down the room 8.look away from

Ⅲ.1.B 解析:be curious about對……好奇。

2.C 分析:測試虛擬語氣。在suggest后面的賓語從句中使用虛擬語氣,謂語動詞為“(should) 動詞原形”。第一句改為肯定句:I suggest which class represent our school to attend the tug-of-war competition.另外,suggest也可以和doing一起使用,但不能使用suggest sb.doing,所以不能選擇A項。

3.D 解析:put one‟s mind at ease讓某人放心。這句話的意思是:彼得打電話說他們已經安全到達,所以你可以放心。

4.B 解析:in a word總之;一句話;總之;in 一般來說,general;in total總共;in time 及時。從句意可以看出,“大多數青少年喜歡聽搖滾樂”是一種一般的、一般的情況,所以選擇B項。

5.A 分析:根據情景背后狀語從句的含義,應該是“我們都沒帶錢”。no one/nobody不與of連用,所以D項排除;all與no/not連用時表示部分否定,因此只有a項正確。

6.B 分析:從句子結構可知,這里應填寫形容詞作為賓語補足語,likely adj.可能的。

7.A 分析:檢查不定式作定語。to do為不定式作定語,修飾homework,這里表示,“有很多家庭作業要做”。

8.A 分析:檢查名詞與介詞的搭配。approach to sth./doing sth.做某事的方法;by means of/by this means/by that 通過某種方式,means;with the method of...用……的方法;way to do.../of doing 做……方法或方法。句子的意思是:在班會上,幾位優秀學生介紹了他們學習英語的方法。

9.B 分析:測試非謂語動詞。do wrong to是習語,其意思是“對待……不公正”“使……受到委屈”。do與名詞wrong之間存在動賓關系,因此這里用過去的分詞來表示被動。

10.A 解析:faced 來自系表結構的withbe faced with,在這句話中,沒有被動的顏色。許多學生認為faced說。“被面對”排除它,造成誤選。
精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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