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Unit 4 Making the news細化考綱

2023-05-08 高考


Unit 4 Making the news



1.eager 2.admirable admire 3.profession professional 4.concentrate concentration

5.acquire acquired 6.assess assessment 7.inform information 8.delighted delight 9.guilty guilt 10.demand demanding 11.thorough thoroughly 12.gifted gift 13.crime criminal

14.accurate accuracy 15.approve approval


1.accuse sb.of sth. 2.by accident 3.in turn 4.be supposed to 5.think about 6.與某人約會 7.期待,期待 8.獨自 9.集中精力做某事 10.說明;查明


1.Not only am I interested in 2.was to strongly influence 3.where 4.Here comes


1.Never will 2.Not only am I 3.Here comes



1.1)assisting police with their inquiries 2)assisted her to find employment 3)would assist in

keeping the peace 4)With the assistance of the expert 5)assistant

2.1)concentrate all our efforts on improving 2)concentrate more on prevention 3)concentrate his forces 4)concentrating on fishing

3.1)informed us of his decision 2)The teacher informed us that 3)inform ourselves thoroughly of the problem 4)Keep me informed of 5)look up information

4.1)a severe case 2)In this case 3)in case it rains 4)In no case 5)In case of fire

5.1)This sport demands both speed and strength.

2)They demand that the library (should) be open every day.

3)This job is very demanding.

4)who are fed on demand

6.1)approve of her marriage 2)approved the plan 3)approve of your trying to earn some money

4)showed his approval by smiling


1.1)depends on his parents to take care of the children 2)depending on 3)it depends 4)may depend on it

2.1)accused him of stealing her watch 2)accused bad luck for his failure 3)was accused of cheating

3.1)so as to 2)so as to make a soup 3)so as not to 4)not so stupid as to do that 5)In order to keep insects out

4.1)He is always ahead of the age.

2)He‟s ahead of me in English.

3)He didn‟t want to go there ahead of time.


1.1)All these are to 2)was to call 3)are to make the necessary changes 4)was about to leave

2.1)comes the bus 2)lies a river 3)rushed the children 4)Present at the meeting are

3.1)where 2)where 3)which 4)where 5)which


Ⅰ.1.chief 2.employed 3.intended 4.guilty 5.concentration 6.profession 7.eager

8.publishes 9.crime 10.updated

Ⅱ.1.on his own 2.concentrated on 3.of interest 4.tricks of the trade 5.accused;of 6.make notes 7.defending;against 8.so as to 9.by accident 10.was supposed to be

Ⅲ.1.C 解析:approve of sth.“贊同,同意”,經常與of搭配,后面應接名詞或動名詞作為賓語。

2.B 解析:accuse sb.of sth.指責某人……;charge 在表示“指責”使用charge sb.with sth.,另外兩項都不合題意。

3.C 分析:句子的意思是:放學后玩電腦游戲會讓我們放松,但作為學生,我們必須集中精力學習。根據問題的意思,選擇concentrate on集中精力……

4.D 分析:本題考查定語從句。當先行詞是case時,如果定語從句中不缺主語或賓語,則應使用where引導。

5.D 分析:測試介詞。句子的意思是:父母很容易對孩子期望過高。這句話的考生容易受到思維模式的影響而誤選B項,so as to的目的,與句意不符。這句話可以簡化為IT is easier for parents to raise their expectations of their children too high.其中for parents是不定式的邏輯主語。

6.B 分析:檢查完全倒裝結構。副詞提前出現,使用完全倒裝結構。句子的意思是:聽到可怕的聲音后,小男孩穿著拖鞋沖了出來。

7.B 解析:in case“以防,萬一”,后跟句符合題意“防止你的東西被偷”。in case of“萬一……,如果發生……”,后接名詞或代詞或短語;in the case“在這種情況下”;in any case“無論如何;總之”。

8.B 分析:檢查固定搭配。assist sb.in doing sth.意為“在……方面給予某人幫助”。句子意思:我們會盡力幫你找出誰偷了你的新手表。

9.B 分析:測試informm sb.of sth.結構,而inform作為keep的賓補,它與賓語之間是動賓關系,因此使用了過去的分詞informed。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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