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It was a bright spring afterno

2023-05-16 高考

It was a bright spring afternoon when Freda told me she wouldn’t need me any more. I had just finished my four-hour work- 36 up and down the stairs of her three-storey home, cleaning the floor and washing the dishes. She was 37 jeans and a sweater, sitting at the table I had just 38 . A pile of papers spread around her. Her husband’s 39 was going to be reduced by thirty percent. And they were trying to live as if it had 40 happened. I felt sorry for her, but I also felt a sense of 41 .

I had been cleaning Freda’s house for five years and had 42 an unexpected relationship with the family. It was not just 43 I had become an expert at scraping(刮掉) dirt stuck to their wooden floor, 44 that I had learned exactly how to place toys on the girls’ beds. It was 45 than that, for I felt I had become a part of their 46 .

Freda stayed at home with the kids, 47 I would often see her in the morning 48 them to school. And I’d be there when they 49 home at lunch for sandwiches and piano practice. I had 50 them grow up. Now I was tired, but the 51 thing was that I still wanted to keep scraping away the dirt and dust for the family.

I left Freda’s house that day, wondering about the 52 of my relationship with my clients(主顧). Who am I 53 them? As a matter of fact, I’m 54 an employee—the lowest kind of employee. But I’m also a trusted 55 of the family. I can’t help worrying about what happens around me.

36. A. stepping B. coming C. jumping D. moving

37. A. hanging B. making C. wearing D. changing

38. A. cleaned B. washed C. swept D. brushed

39. A. duty B. money C. work D. pay

40. A. already B. seldom C. never D. yet

41. A. regret B. surprise C. fear D. loss

42. A. started B. developed C. improved D. broken

43. A. why B. what C. that D. which

44. A. but B. and C. or D. for

45. A. less B. least C. more D. most

46. A. life B. story C. activity D. experience

47. A. as B. so C. since D. however

48. A. taking B. bringing C. meeting D. calling

49. A. left B. returned C. went D. marched

50. A. found B. noticed C. watched D. realized

51. A. possible B. great C. proper D. strange

52. A. meaning B. nature C. result D. importance

53. A. for B. to C. with D. at

54. A. hardly B. certainly C. probably D. merely

55. A. member B. person C. relative D. companion

36—40 DCADA 41—45 DBCCC 46—50 ABABC 51—55 DBBDA


精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:英語   高考
