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2023-05-16 高考

祝福網高考頻道在考試后及時公布各科高考試題答案和高考作文及試卷專家點評, 請廣大考生家長關注。時光飛逝, 暑假過去了,新學期開始了,不管情愿與否, 無論準備與否, 我們已走進高三, 走近我們的夢!祝愿決戰2023高考的新高三學員能倍加努力,在2023年高考中也能取得優異的成績。

391. When the teacher told the boy to sit down, he _____ to her and said she couldn't make him.

A. gave way B. talked back C. looked up D. got down

[答案] B. talk back.

[注釋]talk back 頂嘴;1)Don't talk back to me! (別對我頂嘴!)2)Mary talked back when her mother told her to stop watching television; she said, “I don't have to if I don't want to.”give way 讓路;look up查閱;get down從......下來;記下。

392. People _____ with anyone who is always talking about how wonderful he is.

A. fall in B. get fed up C. keep company D. catch up

[答案] B. get fed up.

[注釋]get (be) fed up with (=having had too much of something; at the end of your patience; disgusted; bored; tired)討厭;I have had enough of his complaints. I'm fed up. (=I have heard all of the complaints I can stand.)

fall in with 符合,與......一致。參閱III.51注釋。Keep company with 與......交往,結伴;catch up with 趕上。

393. Margaret liked all her classes, but she liked sewing class _____.

A. above all B. in general C. after all D. in particular

[答案] D. in particular.

[注釋]in particular (=especially, particularly) 特別是:1) You should avoid eating fat meat, in particular pork. (你應該避免吃脂肪多的肉類,特別是豬肉。2)The speaker talked about sports in general and about football in particular.In general 是in particular 的反義結構,從上述例2)中可以看到。about all最重要的;after all畢竟。

394. Walking down the street, she noticed a long _____ of houses, all exactly alike.

A. queue B. rank C. train D. row

[答案] D. row.

[注釋]a row of houses (desks, books etc.) 一排房子(書桌、書等),戲院的“一排座位”即為a row of

seats. queue (乘車,購物的)隊,隊伍。Rank(軍隊隊列中的)排、橫列。train指“(行進中的)長列,隊列”;a long train of visitors(一長列參觀者)。

395. The president has told his friends that he is sick but will not admit it _____.

A. in private B. in secret C. in public D. in detail

[答案] C. in public.

[注釋]in public 公開地,當眾;in private 私下;in secret秘密地; in detail 詳細地。 396. The sailor _____ time to visit his family before the ship went to sea.

A. put in for B. got round to C. ask after D. hold on to

[答案] A. put in for.

[注釋]put in for(=make an application or request) 提出申請或請求;May I put in for five days' leave?( 我可以請5天假嗎?)get round to (doing sth.) 找到時間作某事;ask after 詢問,問候;hold on to 堅持(接to 加名詞)。

397. Throughout most of their lives, humans _____ learn and increase their mental capacity.

A. actually B. readily C. fairly D. primarily

[答案] B. readily

[注釋]readily (=with no difficulty)容易地;They can readily be bought anywhere. (這些 東西在任何地方都能容易地買到。)

actually 實際上;fairly 公平地;相當,劃算;primarily主要地,首先;根本上。

398. Through exposure to air, water, and organic matter, rocks _____ changes known as weathering.

A. undergo B. transform C. undertake D. suspend

[答案] A. undergo.

[注釋]undergo (=experience esp. suffering or difficulty) 經受:1)She underwent a thorough examination at the hospital. (她在醫院接受了全面的檢查。)2)The travelers underwent many difficulties. (這些旅行者經受了許多困難。)undertake (=take up a [position]; start on [work]) 從事,負責(某事):1)He undertook the responsibility for changes. (他負責對各種變化作出安排。)2)At first we could only undertake repair jobs.(起初我們只能干修理活。)3)We shall undertake the construction of this bridge. (我們將負責這座橋的修建工作。)transform 改變;suspend吊,懸掛;推遲,暫定。


399. She tried to _____ out of the window to see the procession more clearly.

A. bend B. lean C. bow D. slope

[答案] B. lean.

[注釋]lean vi. 倚,靠;lean out of the window(倚著窗戶探出身去),lean against a tree(背倚靠著樹),lean back in a chair (坐在椅子上背向后傾),lean on a desk(靠在桌上),指胸對桌子。

400. The problem had become _____ in his mind, and he could not decide what to do about it.

A. simplified B. exaggerated C. matured D. isolated 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

