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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela假期學習套餐

2023-05-17 高考


Unit 5 Nelson Mandela— a

modern hero



1.equal 2.escape 3.reward 4.opinion 5.quality quantity 6.active actively

activity 7.self selfish selfless selflessly

8.devote devoted devotion 9.peaceful peacefully 10.legal illegal 11.violence violent

12.educate educated education 13.terror terrorism terrorist 14.unfair fair 15.willing willingly will


1.be active in 2.devote...to... 3.out of work 4.vote for sb. 5.as a matter of fact

6.in trouble 7.turn to 8.lose heart 9.escape from 10.set up 11.被判處……(徒刑) 12.爆炸 13.上臺、執政、掌權 14.把……送進監獄 15.愿意做某事


1.this was a time 2.only then did 3.the first time


1.to whom 2.where 3.when 4.why



1.1)take an active part in 2)act 3)activities 4)actions

2.1)devotion 2)helping 3)devoted 4)were devoted to

3.1)vote on 2)for or against 3)voted

through 4)vote to choose

4.1)equal 2)equals 3)be equal to 4)equally

5.1)escaped from 2)escaped 3)escapes

4)escape doing 5)a narrow escape

6.1)award 2)reward 3)prizes


1.1)out of work 2)at work 3)out of order

2.1)took the trouble to 2)took a lot of trouble to 3)in trouble 4)The trouble is that

3.1)turned to 2)turn up 3)turn out

4)turned in 5)turned down 6)turn up

4.1)broke his heart 2)from the bottom of my heart 3)lose heart 4)heart and soul

5.1)came to power 2)beyond my power

3)has been in power

6.(1)1)off 2)out 3)out 4)about 5)aside 6)off/out 7)up

(2)set an example


1.1)when 2)when

2.1)did realize 2)do allow 3)can learn

3.1)Every time 2)the first time 3)The moment/minute/second/instant 4)The next time 5)for the first time


Ⅰ.1.active 2.devoted 3.opinion 4.escape 5.educate 6.equal 7.relatives 8.mean

9.rewarded 10.begging

Ⅱ.1.lost heart 2.fighting for 3.blow up 4.as a matter of fact 5.be out of work 6.was

sentenced to 7.in trouble 8.set up 9.came to power 10.turn to

Ⅲ.1.C 分析:測試分詞作狀語和devote to的用法。完整的狀語從句為:As he is devoted to bringing up the secret of nature,其中be devoted to意思是“致力于”,to是介詞,后跟動名詞。

2.A 分析:檢查連詞和動詞的時態。the first time可以用作連詞,連接從句,而for the first time只能用作時間狀語;第二個空表示的情況是,“當時正在讀書”,所以用過去來進行時態。

3.A 解析:as a reward for...意為“作為對……回報/報酬。回報/報酬”;award說“獎勵,獎賞”。句子的意思是:為了回報約瑟夫·班克斯對植物學的貢獻,人們用他的名字命名了一種花。

4.D 分析:檢查倒裝和定語從句。only后接狀語,放在句頭時,句子要部分倒裝;which引導非限制性定語從句,在從句中作主語。

5.A 解析:equal“平等,平等”。unfair“不公平的”;common“常見的”;usual“通常,普通”。

6.C 解析:set out“開始;出發”;set down“寫下”;set up“建立”;set on“攻擊;前進”。

7.B 分析:從語境可知應用B項來鼓勵對方。What a pity/shame“真遺憾”;I‟m sorry for you“真的為你難過,可惜”,與題意不符。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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