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2023-05-19 高考



1. She was so angry and spoke so fast that none of us understood _____ he said meant.

A. that

C. that that B. what D. what what


選項C和D 不太可能是正確的答案,因為像這樣的兩個―引導詞‖疊加通常是不可能的。在A和B兩個選項中,選項A當然不好,因為它不能作為引導賓語從句的句子成分,所以它只能選擇B。

事實是:如果你選擇A,那一定是錯的;如果你選擇B,那也是錯的。這個問題的最佳答案是 D,第一個what 用作動詞 meant 賓語,第二個what 用作動詞 said 賓語,即在 none of us understood what what he said meant 中,none of us understood 為主句,what what he said meant 賓語從句,賓語從句包括 what he said 這樣的主語從句。如果去掉句末的meant,答案就是B。


2. Everyone knows that _____ is dangerous to play with fire, but _____ is difficult is to prevent children from playing with fire.

A. it, it

C. it, what B. what, what D. what, it



事實上,你又錯了。這個問題的最佳答案是C:第一個空填形式主語,真正的主語是未來的不定式主語 to play with fire;而第二空應填 what,what is difficult 是主語從句,注意 what is difficult 后謂語動詞 is。有點收獲,請做以下類似的試題:

(1) I know _____ is important to know my own limitations, but ______ is difficult is to help others to know their own limitations.

A. it, it

C. it, what B. what, what D. what, it

(2) Yes, _____ is difficult to find a job nowadays, but _____ is more difficult is try to find such a job with a high salary but little things to do.

A. it, it

C. it, what B. what, what D. what, it


3. Let‘s make it at seven o‘clock on Tuesday morning at my office if _____.

A. you‘re convenient B. it is convenient for you

C. you feel convenient D. it is convenient with you

先仔細想想,看哪個選項A和C更好,當然A和C也可能不對,答案是B、D在中間。但是,你可以自己拿主意。我猜你的答案不是A就是C,因為你可能會把中文的答案放在中文里―如果你方便的話‖直譯為 if you are convenient 或 if you feel convenient。

事實上,最好的答案是B,因為在英語中, 并不意味著convenient―感到方便的‖,而是表示―讓人感覺方便‖,所以 be convenient 主語通常不能是―人‖。要表示―如果你方便的話‖,英語通常 if it is convenient for [to] you,介詞可用 for 或 to,但一般不用 with。順便說一句,偶爾可以看到用人或物作 be 但此時的句子必須具有這樣的特點:句子主語是后來不定式的邏輯賓語,如:

Mary is convenient to see on Sunday. / It is convenient to see Mary on Sunday. 星期天去看瑪麗比較方便。

The furniture is convenient to move. / It is convenient to move the furniture. 這種家具搬起來很方便。


4. A man with a bleeding hand hurried in and asked, ―Is there a hospital around _____ I can get some medicine for my wounded hand?‖

A. that

C. where B. which D. what

這個問題應該選擇哪個答案?您可能會毫不猶豫地選擇B,對吧?您的想法很可能是:around 是介詞,選 which 用來代替前面的名詞 hospital,這里用作介詞 around 的賓語。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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