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2023-05-26 高考

祝福網高考頻道在考試后及時公布各科高考試題答案和高考作文及試卷專家點評, 請廣大考生家長關注。時光飛逝, 暑假過去了,新學期開始了,不管情愿與否, 無論準備與否, 我們已走進高三, 走近我們的夢!祝愿決戰2023高考的新高三學員能倍加努力,在2023年高考中也能取得優異的成績。

221. Professor Jordon is well known for his _____ into the habits of the common housefly.

A. examination B. introduction

C. research D. expression

[答案]C. research

[注釋]research into對...研究:1)(作動詞用)He is researching into the reading problems of young school children.2)(作名詞用)to carry out a research(=some research)into the causes of brain damage.(對大腦損傷原因進行研究)。

研究可譯為make researches into, make a study of 或直接用動詞study vt或research into (a problem etc.).

222. The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor that he had planned to _____.

A. discharge B. dismiss C. resign D. resume

[答案]C. resign

[注釋]resign(=give up a post)辭職:1)imagine he will resign.2)It was his duty to resign his position.

discharge sb.= dismiss sb.解雇某人:He was discharged(=dismissed) for being dishonest.

223. It was decided to _____ the search when there was no hope of finding the missing girl alive.

A. call off B. take up C. keep off D. ring up

[答案]A. call off

[注釋]call off(=cancel)取消。詳見Ⅲ。25注釋。

224. He put in a special _____ for an extra day's holiday so that he could attend his daughter's wedding.

A. request B. demand C. inquiry D. proposal

[答案]A. request

[注釋]request請求,put in a request for (提出請求)。enquiry詢問,demand 需求,需要,proposal建議,均不和題意。

225. She _____ the temptation to buy a coat she could not afford.

A.challenged B.obstructed C.contradictedD.resisted

[答案]D. resisted. [注釋]resist 此處意指(=keep oneself back from)“忍住...”,resist temptation(不受誘惑)。


226. Scientists have to work hard to keep _____ with modern discoveries and developments.

A. company B. track C. touch D. pace

[答案]D. pace.

[注釋]keep pace with跟上:1)This horse is too weak to keep pace with the others. 2)I can't help pace with your plan.

Keep in touch with與......保持聯系;了解(情況);1)People can keep in touch with each other even when they do leave. 2)I find it very difficult to keep in touch with all the recent developments in my subject.(我覺得很難了解我的科目當前的一切新發展。)

Keep company(with)與......相好:Never keep company with dishonest persons.(千萬不要和不誠實的人來往。)

Keep track of通曉事態,了解動向:I find it difficult to keep track of my old friends.(我很難了解我的老朋友的情況。)keep track of的反義結構是lose track of(失去聯系)。


227. He didn't _____ what I read because his mind was on something else.

A. hold on B. catch on C. take in D. get over

[答案]C. take in

[注釋]take in(=understand)理解。參閱Ⅲ。173注釋。hold on(打電話時)不要掛斷;catch on明白(作不及物動詞用),catch on to懂得,明白(作及物動詞用);get over克服。

228. We made plans for a visit but _____ difficulties with the car prevented it.

A. consequent B. subordinate

C. substantial D. subsequent

[答案]D. subsequent.

[注釋]subsequent(=later, following)隨后得,接著發生的:subsequent events(隨后發生的事件)。consequent(作為結果)而隨之發生的:His long illness and consequent absence put him behind in his work.根據題意,本題用subsequent更妥。

229. Arrogance and pride are similar in meaning, but there is _____ difference between them.

A. a submerged B. an indecisive

C. an indistinct D. a subtle

[答案]D. a subtle.

[注釋]subtle微妙的,微細的,難以捉摸的。a subtle difference.(微細的差別)。Submerged浸沒的;indecisive非決定性的,非結論性的,未清楚標明的;indistinct不清楚的,模糊的;subconscious下意識的。

230. This watch is _____ to all the other watches on the market.

A. superior B. advantageous C. super D. beneficial

[答案]A. superior.




2023高考英語試題分類小結篇:名詞與主謂一致 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫
