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2023-05-30 高考


Most mornings, the line begins to form at dawn: scores of silent women with babies on their backs, buckets balanced on their heads, and in each hand a bright-blue plastic jug. On good days, they will wait less than an hour before a water tanker goes across the dirt path that when there is no electricity for the pumps, the tankers don‟t come at all. “That water kills people,” a young mother named Shoba said one recent Saturday morning, pointing to a row of pails filled with thick, caramel (焦糖)-colored liquid. “Whoever drinks it will die.” The water was from a pipe shared by thousands of people in the poor neibourhood. Women often use it to wash clothes and bathe their children, but nobody is desperate enough to drink it.

There is no standard for how much water a person needs each day, but experts usually put the minimum at fifty litres. The government of India promises (but rarely provides) forty. Most people drink two or three litres—less than it takes to wash a toilet. The rest is typically used for cooking and bathing. Americans consume between four hundred and six hundred litres of water each day, more than any other people on earth. Most Europeans use less than half that. The women of Kesum Purbahari each hoped to drag away a hundred litres that day—two or three buckets‟ worth. Shoba has a husband and five children, and that much water doesn‟t go far in a family of seven, particularly when the temperature reaches a hundred and ten degrees before noon. She often makes up the difference with bottled water, which costs more than water delivered any other way. Sometimes she just buys milk; it‟s cheaper. Like the poorest people everywhere, the people of New Delhi‟s slums spend a far greater percentage of their incomes on water than anyone lucky enough to live in a house connected to a system of pipes.

1. The underlined word ―slum‖ most likely means ______.

A. a village

B. a small town

C. an area of a town with badly-built, over-crowded buildings

D. the part of a town that lacks water badly


2. Sometimes the water tanker doesn’t come because ______.

A. the weather is bad

B. there is no electricity

C. there is no water

D. people don’t want the dirty water

【答案與解析】答案B。根據第1段的On bad days, when there is no electricity for the pumps, the tankers don’t come at all.可以知道B選項是正確答案。

3. A person needs at least ________ litres of water a day.

A. a hundred B. four hundred C. forty D. fifty

【答案與解析】答案D。根據第2段的―…but experts usually put the minimum at fifty litres‖可以知道D選項是正確答案。

4. Which of the following statements is wrong?

A. a hundred litres of water a day is enough for Shoba’s family

B. Americans uses the largest amount of water each day

C. in Kesum Purbahari milk is cheaper than bottled water

D. Shoba has a family of seven people

【答案與解析】答案A。根據第2段的Shoba has a husband and five children, and that much water doesn’t go far in a family of seven, particularly when the temperature reaches a hundred and ten degrees before noon.可以判斷A選項不符合文意,而其他選項均可在文中找到支持信息。

5. The passage mainly tells us ______.

A. how women in Kesum Purbahari gets their water

B. how much water a day a person deeds

C. that India lacks water badly

D. how India government manages to solve the problem of water







2023高考英語試題分類小結篇:狀語從句與并列句 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫
