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2022-12-21 手抄報









  由美國洛克希德馬丁公司先進技術中心的Nariaki Nitta和德國普朗克研究所太陽系統研究項目(MPS)的Radoslav Bucík領導的兩組科研人員,各自獨立地發現了一個新的太陽現象:恒星大氣層中的大尺度爆炸波,這種爆炸波伴隨著富含氦-3的高能粒子噴射。氦-3是惰性氣體氦氣的同位素氣體。巨大的爆炸波有助于加速粒子向太空中的排放,MPS項目科學家們已經將這份報告發表在了《天體物理學》期刊上。這個決定性的發現要歸功于兩艘太空船STEREO A和 ACE,它們幫助科學家同時從兩個不同的方向上觀測太陽。而在不就以后,這種難得的觀測機會就不會出現了。



  爆炸波發生的同時,太陽向太空噴射富含氦-3的高能粒子流。太陽的這種粒子噴射已經為所大眾熟知,但是其機理還沒有得到充分的解釋。“我們相信爆炸波加速氦-3排放,”MPS項目研究人員戴維娜 英尼斯說。“我們的分析已經查明典型的爆炸波性質,例如它們的能量,粒子性質的影響,”戴維娜的同事,也是MPS項目的研究人員Lijia Guo補充道。可是,這個爆炸波是如何發生的,尚不清楚。


  “STEREO A是太空中唯一的太陽觀測平臺,它并不靠近地球,只是圍繞太陽運轉,” Bucik解釋道。在2023年初,太空飛船正好位于太陽右側的上方。而當時,ACE的軌道接近地球,因此能夠觀測到粒子流,STEREO A記錄了粒子流產生的區域——也就是EUV爆炸波。

  研究人員認為,這種新現象并不罕見,但迄今為止還沒有得到很好的觀測。”不幸的是,在可預見的將來,這種觀測將不再有機會發生”, bucik說。

  STEREO A是美國宇航局2023年發射的兩個探測器中的一個。這個探測器,稱為A和B,圍繞著太陽反方向運轉,使我們能夠從三維角度觀測這顆恒星。由于去年十月份,STEREO B的通信中斷,STEREO A只能繼續獨立地開展工作。到2023年它才會再一次到達和2023年一樣的理想觀測位置。ACE(要素/同位素成分高級探測器)是美國宇航局的太空船。從1997年以來,它一直在地球附近的一個觀測點研究太陽、宇宙和星際粒子。

  Blast waves in the sun's atmosphere

  Two teams of researchers led by Nariaki Nitta from the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center in the USA and by Radoslav Bucík from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany have independently discovered a new solar phenomenon: large-scale waves in the star's atmosphere accompanied by energetic particle emissions rich in helium-3. Helium-3 is a light variety of the inert gas helium. The huge waves may contribute significantly to accelerate the particles into space, the MPS scientists now report in the Astrophysical Journal. Decisive for this discovery were the two spacecraft STEREO A and ACE making it possible to simultaneously observe the sun from two different directions. In the near future, no such opportunity will arise again.

  The sun is a highly eruptive star: Again and again it emits energetic particles and radiation into space in violent outbursts. Examples of outbursts are the coronal mass ejections (CMEs) where a plasma of electrons, protons, and a few heavy atoms is hurled into space, as well as short, collimated X-ray flares. Both phenomena occur in connection with so-called solar eruptions. Two research groups have now independently discovered a completely new type of solar ejection in observational data: large wave fronts in the sun's atmosphere together with particle flows rich in helium-3. The waves could be tracked down by looking at the sun's atmosphere in extreme ultraviolet light.

  The waves detected in data from 26 January and 2 February 2010 extended over at least half a million kilometers and propagated at a speed of approximately 300 kilometers per second. They occurred shortly after a weak X-ray flash, but differ significantly from this typical jet-like form of radiation. Coronal mass ejections as a trigger of the waves were not observed. "The new phenomenon is like a kind of explosion," said Bucik, who headed the team of researchers at the MPS, the Johns Hopkins University, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the US.

  Simultaneously with the blast waves, the sun hurls a particle stream rich in helium-3 into space. Particle emissions of this kind have been well-known for years, but could never be fully explained. "We believe that the blast waves accelerate the helium-3", says Davina Innes from the MPS. "Our analysis shows that typical characteristics of the waves, such as their energy, influence the properties of the particles", adds her colleague Lijia Guo, also stationed at the MPS. However, how exactly this works, is still unclear.

  In order to observe both the wave phenomenon and the helium-3 ejections and so to recognize the connection between the two, a two-fold look at the sun was necessary. Since the sun rotates, ejected particles leaving the star travel on a curved trajectory similar to the water jets of a rotating lawn sprinkler. The particles reaching Earth have, therefore, originated on the right side of the sun (as seen from Earth). This region is not clearly visible from Earth.

  "STEREO A is the only solar observatory in space, which does not remain close to Earth, but travels around the sun," explains Bucik. In early 2010, the spacecraft was located exactly above the right limb of the sun. While ACE orbiting close to Earth could detect the particle streams, STEREO A yielded recordings of the region where they originated – and thus of the EUV blast wave.

  The researchers believe that the new phenomenon is not rare, but could so far not be well observed. "Unfortunately, however, in the foreseeable future the necessary viewing geometry will not occur again", says Bucik.

  STEREO A is one of NASA'S twin space probes launched in 2006. The probes, called A and B, circle the sun in opposite directions thus allowing for a three-dimensional look at our star. Since the loss of communication with STEREO B last October, STEREO A has continued its observations alone. In 2025 it will reach the same favorable viewing position again as it had 2010. ACE (Advanced Composition Explorer) is a NASA spacecraft. Since 1997 it has been studying solar, cosmic, and interstellar particles from an observation site near Earth.

   精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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