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2022-12-21 英語



  1. fascinate v. 迷住 I’m ~d by the beauty of Lijiang and Dali.

  2. feeble a. 虛弱的=weak/faint

  3. flaw n. 缺陷 I can’t find a ~ ,the painting is perfect!

  4. fluctuate n. 波動

  5. fromulate v. 構想

  6. foster a. 培養 =develop/nurture/cultivate/領養> ~ a child

  7. fragile a. 易碎;脆弱

  8. furious a. 暴怒的

  9. glamour n. 魅力 >The ~ of old town, such as Lijiang, Dali.

  10. glitter v. 閃光 =sparkle >All that ~s is notgold.

  11. gloomy a. 憂郁;黑暗 a ~ day/future

  12. gossip n./ v. 流言; 說長道短> Gossips are like rumors.

  13. grief n. 悲傷 =sorrow

  14. hamper v. 妨礙=hinder> Rescue work was hampered by the heavy rain.

  15. handicap n./v. 缺陷,殘疾; 妨礙>He survived the accident, but has a ~ now.

  16. haul a. (用力) 拖(車)托運

  17. haunt v. 縈繞于心 He was ~ed by the terrible scene.

  18. hinder v. 阻礙 No difficulties can ~ me.

  19. hoist v. 升起, 吊起

  20. homogeneous a. 同質的 >The population of Japan is ~

  21. arrogant a. 傲慢的> An ~ man is a self-importantperson.

  22. ascend v. 上升 > The balloons are ~ing.

  23. ascribe v. 歸因于>He ~d his failure to hissmall vocabulary.

  24. aspiration n. 抱負 Your ~ is your ambition or strongwish.

  25. assault n. 攻擊, 襲擊>A robber ~ed him.

  26. assert v. 斷言 He ~ed that the thief would comeagain.

  27. assurance n. 保證, 把握 >I give you my ~ that the product is safe and reliable.

  28. attendant n. 服務員, 隨從

  29. authentic a. 真實的, 可靠的>Is Clinton’s biography ~?

  30. avert v. 避開、轉移 We ~ed a loss .

  31. bald a. 禿頂的 A ~ man is considered to be intelligent.

  32. barren a. 荒蕪的,不能生育的>Without dream, life is a ~ field.

  33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露 You ~ed me.

  34. bewilder v. 使迷惑 The new traffic lights ~ theman.

  35. bias n. 偏見 Bias is prejudice.

  36. blaze v. 燃燒; 發強光 >Thesummer sun is blazing.

  37. bleak a. 荒涼的; 凄涼的>a ~future

  38. blink v. 眨眼睛; 閃爍 >

  39. blunder n. 大錯

  40. bluntly ad. 直言不諱地

  41. blur v. 變模糊 >Fog blurred my vision.

  42. bribe v. 行賄 >Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.

  43. browse v. 瀏覽 ~ a web-page

  44. brutal a. 殘酷的=cruel/savage/

  45. capsule n. 密封倉, 膠囊

  46. carve v. 刻

  47. casualty n. 傷亡人員 Many casualties are reported inthe battle.

  48. cater to v. 迎合 > cater to the consumers

  49. caution n. 小心

  50. cherish v. 珍視; 懷有>~friendship/~ the hope that

   精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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