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2022-12-21 英語



  Tobacco Production and Consumption


  We meet smokers almost everywhere, in the street, in shops, at the railway station, on thecampus and in many other public areas. This explains the astonishing statistic figure of 1.1 billion smokers out of 5. 6 billion people in the world, occupying about 20% of the world'spopulation.

  The harmful effect that smoking has upon people mainly lies in two aspects : money loss andhealth deterioration. In the figure, we can see that the annual consumption of tobaccoamounts to 200 billion dollars, which, if spent on public welfare, can benefit a great many poorpeople.

  It is known to all that smoking does a lot of harm, not only to smokers themselves, but also topeople around who are actually unconscious victims. According to the statistics obtained, approximately 3 million people die of lung cancer and other fatal diseases every year.

  Fortunately, nowadays more and more people have become aware of the harmful effect ofsmoking. Tobacco consumption is decreasing. Tobacco production is decreasing (has dropped to 14.2 billion pounds in 1995 as against 14.364 billion pounds in 1994). The number of smokersis decreasing. Finally, we believe in the advance of society, we believe in a new world withoutsmoking, we believe in people.


  ·Pictur e 2-吸煙者隨處可見


  ·Pictur e 3-吸煙既昂貴又健康


  ·Pictur e 4-吸煙導致疾病死亡

  ·Pictur e 1-意識到吸煙的危害導致煙草生產和消費下降,吸煙者數量下降


  本文是一篇圖表作文, 每張小圖都需要說明和解釋, 最后,指出煙草生產和消費的趨勢。本文的寫作應采用多種風格。寫作前必須仔細閱讀圖片, 分析可以寫得層次分明, 四幅小圖。這個題目曾經是考研寫作題, 作者借題發揮, 寫作供學習。


  public areas 公共場所

  astonishing statistic figure 統計數字驚人

  occupy v. 占

  have an effect on 對……有影響

  lie in 在于

  money loss and health deterioration 又費錢又損害健康

  consumption n. 消耗

  tobacco n. 煙草

  amount to 達

  public welfare 公共福利

  unconscious victims 無意識的受害者,被動吸煙者

  lung cancer 肺癌

  fatal disease 致命疾病


  Advantage and Disadvantages of Being an Only Child


  My father used to talk to me about his five siblings. He used to say that I was unfortunate thatI had none. And I used to envy him and wonder how nice it would be to have a houseful ofbrothers and sisters. I also used to wonder what would happen to me if I were to lose myparents.

  Frankly speaking, I do not have to share anything with anybody. I own all my parents' love. Ican ask for anything I want. I always wear new clothes and eat the best food. Since my parentsspend all their money on me, I can study at the best university of the country.

  Lucky as I am, I now and then feel very lonely and I have nobody to complain about myloneliness. How I long for a quarrel with my brothers and sisters! Of course I have classmatesand friends, but they are different. Sometimes I feel so pessimistic that after my parents leavethe world, I will have no blood relatives left to share with me the fond memories of my parents. Furthermore, I am likely to become selfish while I realize the world is for sharing.

  So, I am happy but lonely; I am fortunate but piteous; I am loved but spoiled; I am well-bredbut selfish, because I am the only child of the family.


  ·How nice to have brothers and siste rs

  ·How miserable to be an only child

  ·Advant ages of being an only child , e .g .

  ·Disadvantages of being an only child , e .g .

  ·As an only child

  * happy — lonely

  * fortunate — piteous

  * loved — spoiled

  * well-bred — selfish


  這篇文章是一篇議論文。作者以第一人稱談個人意見和經歷。在短短的第一段, 作者對上一代多子女表示羨慕, 下一代獨生子女的孤獨無助, 由此, 自然過渡到主題獨生子女利弊。最后一段是總結, 使用反義詞使結局簡短而有力。


  siblings n. 兄弟姊妹

  a houseful of 一屋子的

  frankly speaking 坦率地說

  lucky as I am 雖然我很幸運( as 引導讓步狀語從句, 需用倒裝)

  complain about 抱怨

  pessimistic a. 悲觀的

  piteous a. 可憐的

  spoiled a. 寵壞的

  well-bred a. 有教養的

   精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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