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小天王賈斯汀很受歡迎比伯(Justin Bieber)毆打狗

2022-12-21 英語

小天王賈斯汀很受歡迎•比伯(Justin Bieber)毆打狗仔隊的事件正在審理中,律師認為比伯因大量濫用藥物而感到困惑,他的朋友們被迫參與其中以確認真相。

  Justin Biber pleads guilty to assault and carelessdriving in paparazzi fight


  Justin Bieber pleaded guilty to assault and carelessdriving charges in connection with a collision andaltercation with a photographer near his Canadianhometown, his lawyer confirmed on Thursday.The21-year-old singer, who appeared at the hearing viavideo link from Los Angeles, received an absolutedischarge on the assault charge and a C$750 (£390) fine for the careless driving charge. He was also required to pay a £52 victimsurcharge.


  The pop star had originally been charged with dangerous driving following the incident lastAugust, but that charge was dropped. The incident happened duringa visit to Stratford,Ontario, with pop star Selena Gomez. The two were“ disrupted by the unwelcome presenceof paparazzi,” his lawyer said at the time. Local media, citing police, reported there was a“physical altercation”following a collision between a minivan and an all-terrain vehicle outsidethe Town.


  Bieber lawyer, Brian Greenspan, said the absolute discharge for the assault “recognised thefact that it was an incident that was somewhat prooked and that it lasted less than a minute.”The assault was described even by the photographer as a couple of slaps-certainly three atthe most-that he deflected with his shoulder,” Greenspan said, adding that Bieberacknowledged his responsibility to the judge.


  Bieber has been a favourite paparazzi target and has had several run-ins with the law.InAugust, he pleaded guilty to careless driving and resisting an officer without violence inFlorida, part of a deal to resolve allegations that he had been drag racing in a Lamborghiniunder the influence of drugs and alcohol.In July, Bieber pleaded no contest to misdemeanourvandalism for pelting a neighbour California home with eggs. He was sentenced to two yearsprobation.


   精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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