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2023-01-26 英語


十、被 動 語 態


eg. We use a knife for cutting (主動句).

A knife is used for cutting (被動句)。

一、構成:be + 過去分詞

eg. 1)The work is finished by him.

2)Chinese is spoken by people in China.


1.一般現在時:am/ is/ are + 過去分詞

eg. English is spoken by Englishmen.

2.一般過去時:was/ were + 過去分詞

eg. The machines were made in China.

3.一般將來時:will/shall/be going to be+過去分詞

eg. A sports meeting will be held in our school next week.

4.現在完成時:have/ has been + 過去分詞

eg. The work has been done by them.

5.現在進行時:am/ is/ are being + 過去分詞。

eg. A new school is being built in our village.

6.過去進行時:was/ were being + 過去分詞

eg. My TV set was being mended at that time.




can / may / must / should + be + 過去分詞

eg. He may be sent away from school.


eg. My bike needs to be mended.

3.在使用被動語態時,如需要指出動作執行者時,應用"by + 動作的執行者(賓格)"

eg. He was called Mike by us

4.不及物動詞無被動語態(take place/ happen ; last ; rise ; sink ; fall等)

eg. The accident was happened two days ago (改錯) _________


eg.The boss made the workers work 12 hours.

→The workers were made to work 12 hours.

6.注意短語動詞的完整性(即:主動句的謂語動詞若由v + prep / adv構成,變被動語態時,不能將這些介詞、副詞遺漏。

eg. We must take care of the baby.

→The baby must be taken care of.

練 習 題

( )1.This factory has been____ for two years

A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened

( )2.The light in the room ___ before you leave. A. must turn off B. will turn off

C. are turned off D. must be turned off

( )3.The young trees ____ planted in spring.

A. must B. have C. must be D. must are

( )4.Chinese ____ by Miss Wang three years ago. A. was taught B. is taught

C. was teached D. were teach

( )5.Young trees ___ quite often.

A. should water B. should be water

C. should be watered D. should have watered

( )6.English ___ by many people in the world

A. speaks B. speak C. are spoken D. is spoken

( )7.The old people ___ well in our country.

A. is looked after B. are looked after

C. looks after D. look for

( )8. Alice is ill. She ____ to hospital at once.

A. is sent B. must be sent

C. can send D. must send

( )9. The factory ____ in 1958.

A. was built B. is built

C. will be built D. built

( )10.Our teacher told us that the classroom _____ every day.

A. should be cleaned B. should cleaned

C. shall be cleaned D. must cleaned

( )11.Football ____ all over the world.

A. plays B. is playing

C. has played D. is played

( )12.____ silk ____ in Suzhou?

A. Is , produced B. Are, produced

C. Does, produce D. Was, produce

( )13.Much money ____ spent on books every year. A. have B. has C. are D. is

( )14.The students was made ______ the questions by the teacher. 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:從句   語態   分詞
