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高中英語語法:語法復習八 動詞時態和語態(1)

2023-01-26 英語

78. My hair is so long that I must go to a barber's shop and______.

A. have to cut it B. have it cut C. get it to be cut D. to cut it

79. The pencil ______ well.

A. writes B. is written C. was written D. writing

80. ---- I can't see the blackboard very well. ---- Perhaps you need ______.

A. to examine your eyes B. to have your eyes examined

C. to have examined your eyes D. to be examined your eyes

81. ---- Where is the coffee table? ---- Tom just had it ____ away.

A. move B. moving C. moved D. moves

82. Good medicine ______ to the mouth.

A. tastes bitter B. tastes bitterly C. is tasted bitter D. is tasted bitterly

83. Which girl won the prize?_____

A. By which girl is the prize won? B. Which girl was the prize won?

C. By which girl did she win the prize? D. By which girl was the prize won?

84. --- Where did you get that handsome picture? ---- It was _____ by my father.

A. given for us B. a gift to us C. given to us D. a gift for us

85. A young hen is ______ a chicken.

A. named B. known C. spelled D. called

86. ---- How does Alma like her new work? ---- She ______ with the hour.

A. can't satisfy B. isn't satisfied C. doesn't satisfy D. hasn't satisfied

87. ---- Why do you call your son Mouse? ---- He wants ______ by the name.

A. to call B. to be called C. to be calling D. being called

88. His idea, though good, needs ______ out.

A. being tried B. to try C. tried D. to be tried

89. The man living in the next door is known _____the police.

A. with B. to C. by D. of

90. Cotton is first made ______ thread and then it was woven ______ cloth.

A. up of, up of B. into, into C. of, of D. from, from

91. ______ here last night.

A. Something strange was happened B. Strange something was happened

C. Something strange happened D. Strange something happened

92. ---- I'd like to buy that coat. ---- I'm sorry, _____.

A. it was sold B. it's selling C. it's been sold D. it had been sold

93. Gunpowder was discovered in the twelfth century, but_____.

A. man did not put it to use in war two hundred years liter

B. until two centuries more it was used in war

C. not used in war until two hundred years later

D. in war did not use it two hundred years afterwards

94. The five-year-old girl by her parents.

A. is looked B. has looked for C. is being looked for D. has been looked


練習一、1~5 CCBCB 6~10 ABCAB 11~15 CBADA 16~20 BBDCD 21~25 DBBCA

26~30 DBABD 31~35 BAAAD 36~40 CAAAB 41~45 ACCAC 46~50 ADBBB

51~52 BC

練習二、53~55 BAB 56~60 BDADC 61~65 DCDDB 66~70 ACCCA 71~75 DACAA

76~80 CABAB 81~85 CADCD 86~90 BBDBB 91~94 CCCC

《語法復習八 動詞時態和語態(1)》由祝福網 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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