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中考英語 留學不可缺少的賓語補足語

2023-02-16 英語

在英語句子中,有些動詞除了賓語外,句子的意思還不完整,必須加上賓語補充語才能完全表達句子的意思。因此,賓語補充語是許多句子不可缺少的一部分,也是句子的主要組成部分。這種句型是:主語 謂語動詞 賓語 賓語補足語。

常用和物動詞有:think,make,have,get,consider,find,call,let等。They found the room cleaned by someone.

賓語補足語的幾種類型:1。名詞作賓語補足語We think him a bright boy.They call her XiaoZhang.2.形容詞和短語作賓語補足語II found the dog dead.Exercise makes you healthy and strong.3.不定式及其短語作賓語補足語Sheee often asks me to help her with her English.注:使用動詞make,let,have及 see,watch,notice,observe,hear,listen to,find,感覺等動詞后的賓語補足語可以使用不定式,但不定式不能添加to。Nobody heard him cry for help.I often see the boys play basketball after school.4.現在分詞及其短語作賓語補足語 teacher caught her cheating in the exam.They often hear me practising speaking English.5.過去的分詞和短語作賓語 raised his voice to make himself heard clearly.When I went downstairs,I found my bike stolen.6.賓語補足語Wewes引出的賓語補足語 consider her as a great writer.We took English as a useful tool.介詞短語作賓語補足語Please make yourself at home.The illness kept her in bed for a month.8.副詞作賓語補足語Did you find them in?She ordered them away.9.從句作賓語補足We語 will soon make our school what your school is now.注:復合賓語中的賓語為不定式、動名詞或賓語從句時,賓語往往放在其補足語后面,而以it為句子的賓語則放在賓語補足語之前。如:I think it wrong to smoke in public.

《中考英語 留學不可缺少的賓語補足語是留學不可缺少的 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:賓語   動詞   短語
