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make up one's mind too much to

2023-03-02 英語


make ?

[誤] The little boy was made repeat the whole story.?

[正] The little boy was made to repeat the whole story.?

[誤] The father made his son to do his homework from morning till night.?

[正] The father made his son do his homework from morning till night.?

[析] make &atatatattuot的句型;make somebody do (doing) something".但在被動語態中,原本被省略的不定式符號to將被還原。

[誤] I always do this mistake.?

[正] I always make this mistake.?

[析] do和make是英語中很難理解的兩個動詞,do常用于談論工作或某些不確定的活動,如: do a favour(幫個忙),do one's best(盡力),do good(有益), do harm(有害),而且大多數情況下常用的make, 如: make a suggestion, make a cake, make a bed(清理床),make a noise, make 等等。?

[誤] This wine was made of grapes.?

[正] This wine was made from grapes.?

[析] 成品制成后,當原料性質發生變化時,應用make from,否則,使用make of, 如: This door was made of iron.?

[誤] Hard work can often make up a lack of intelligence.?

[正] Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence.?

[析] make up是"創建atatatatatatquotatatatatatat;、"編織atatatatatatquotatatatatat;,而make up for是"彌補...&atuotquot;。上句應譯為&atattatttuot;努力工作可以彌補人才的不足。上句應譯為&atattatttuot;努力工作可以彌補人才的不足。"?

[誤] We made up our mind to study hard.?

[正] We made up our minds to study hard.?

[析] mind這里是可數名詞,使用時要特別注意make up one's mind是"在atatatatatatatquot上下決心;之意。?

[誤] Our class is made of twenty girls and twenty?one boys.?

[正] Our class is made up of twenty girls and twenty?one boys.?

[析] make up of…是atatatatatatquotat;某物由...組成或構成&tatattattattuottuotuot;。?

many ?

[誤] I have many friends.?

[正] I have a lot of friends.?

[析] many和much多用于疑問句或否定句,而在肯定句中用處不大,尤其是在非正式談話中。例如:

-How much money have you got??

-I've got plenty.?

[誤] You bought much too tomatoes.?

[正] You bought too many tomatoes.?

[析] too many后接可數名詞,too much后接不可數名詞,而much too后面接形容詞,意思是&uot;太多的atatatatatatquotatatatatat;。?

[誤] For many a weeks it rained a lot.?

[正] For many a week it rained a lot.?

[析] many atatatatatatatquotatatatatatat;許多atatatatatatatquotatatatat;、"很多atatatatatatatquotatatatat;,但是后面要加單數名詞


matter ?

[誤] No matter what you did.?

[正] No matter what you did, I trusted you.?

[析] No matter是一個短語,意思是&atuot;無論atatatatatatatquotatatatatat;,它的語法功能是連接的,因此不能用于單獨的句子。

it doesn't Matter這個短語不是一個連接短語,所以可以和一個單句連用,比如: It ?doesn't? mater what you say. (你說什么都沒關系。)

maybe ?

[誤] May be he is right.?

[正] Maybe he is right.?

[析] maybe是副詞,不要誤用為may be.?

《中考英語常見錯誤M系列》由祝福網編輯精心準備.liuxue86.com 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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