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2023-03-15 英語



瑜伽有6000多年的歷史,起源于印度。古代瑜伽信徒發展了瑜伽系統,他們相信通過鍛煉身體和調節呼吸可以完全控制心理和情感(control one’s mind and emotions),長期保持身體健康。瑜伽姿勢大多來自模仿動物的姿勢,以達到鍛煉身心的效果。瑜伽不同于體操和舞蹈,也不同于一般的有氧運動。只有當呼吸、意識和姿勢結合成一體時,(breathing,mind and posture get into one)時間,才是真正的瑜伽練習。可以說,瑜伽不僅是一種鍛煉方式,也是一種生活態度。


中國是一個餐飲大國。中國菜有很多流派,其中最具影響力和代表性的是中國菜“八大菜系”(“Eight Cuisines”of China)。這一分類已被廣泛接受。菜系的形成離不開其悠久的歷史和獨特的烹飪特點。當然,它也會受到該地區自然地理、氣候條件和飲食習慣的影響。中國“八大菜系”烹飪技巧和菜肴特色各有千秋。四川菜系是世界上最著名的中國菜系之一。四川菜以其辛辣而聞名。沒有品嘗過四川菜的人不會來中國(a failure of trip to China)。


上海自由貿易區(Shanghai Free Trade Zone),簡稱上海自貿區。是中國政府在上海設立的區域性自由貿易區。自貿區于2013年8月22日獲得國務院批準,并于9月29日正式上市。在自貿區上市后的第一個工作日,前來咨詢辦理業務的人絡繹不絕。事實上,在自貿區上市之前,大量企業迫不及待地申請在上海自貿區注冊。上海自由貿易區是中國積極選擇的新開放試點(pilot zone),目的是通過開放促進改革。建立自由貿易區不僅可以方便貿易,還可以加快貿易轉型升級。


Yoga is originated in India with more than 6,000 years of history. Ancient yoga practitioners developed yoga system. They firmly believed that through the movement of one"s body and control of one"s breathing, one can completely control one"s mind and emotions, so as to keep long-term health. Most yoga postures are imitations of animal postures in order to exercise one"s physical and mental power. Yoga is unlike gymnastics, dance, or common aerobic exercise. Only at the time when one"s breathing, mind and posture get into one, one is in the condition of yoga exercise. So we can say that yoga is not just a sport, but also an attitude to life.


China is a big country of cuisines. There are many schools of Chinese cuisines, among which the most representative and influential classification is "Eight Cuisines" of China. This classification has been widely accepted. The formation of a school of cuisine is inseparable from its long history and unique culinary specialties. It"s also affected by local features of natural geography, climatic conditions and habits of diet etc. The "Eight Cuisines" of China have their own cooking techniques and flavors of dish which are different from each other. Sichuan Cuisine is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Sichuan Cuisine is famous for its spiciness. It"d be a failure of trip to China for people who don"t have a taste of Sichuan Cuisine.


Shanghai Free Trade Zone, referred to as SHFTZ, is a regional free trade zone set up by Chinese government in Shanghai. The free trade zone was approved by the State Council of China on August.22, 2013, and officially established on September 29 of the year. On the first work day after its establishment, there were many people coming for inquiry and services. In fact, even before the establishment of SHFTZ, a large number of companies had been eagerly waiting to apply for registration in SHFTZ. Shanghai Free Trade Zone is a new pilot zone initiatively selected by Chinese government, with the purpose to promote reform through opening up. The establishment of FTZ can not only facilitate trade, but also speed up transformation and upgrading of business.

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