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2023-03-16 英語




1. He is not rich and kind.

2. All that glitters is not gold.

3. I don " t suppose it will be very rainy, will it?

4. The monitor will come back in ten minutes .

5. The new English song will be in the air in China.

6. We are dying to go and visit Hong Kong.

7. She is after a job in teaching.

8. Tom left his umbrella in the meeting room.

9. The girl asked me to do up her dress at the back.

10. In my opinion, John is more lazy than stupid because this is the third time he failed in exams.

11. How much of China have you covered since you came here?

12. They were held up by a heavy fog.

13. The students should listen to the teacher all eyes in class.

14. Look, the babies are being good ones .

15. -I always look out when crossing the street.

-You " re right. You cannot be too careful .

16. The Chinese sing high praise for the doctors and nurses fighting against SARS.

17. It is a long time since we enjoyed ourselves .

18. The sign reads “ Keep off the grass ” .

19. Last night I watched a close match between Seattle Sonics and Miami Bucks at home.

20. -The train is due at eight in the morning, isn " t it?

-Yes, but due to the terrible weather, it couldn " t arrive on time.


1. 他很富有,但不善良。 2. 不是所有發光的都是金子。

3. 我覺得天不會連續下雨,你說對嗎? 4. 班長十分鐘后回來了。

5. 這首英語新歌將在中國流行。 6. 我們渴望去香港看看。

7. 她正在找一份當老師的工作。 8. 湯姆把傘忘在會議室里了。

9. 女孩讓我把衣服從后面系上。

10. 在我看來,與其說約翰笨,不如說他懶惰,因為這是他第三次考試不及格。

11. 到目前為止,你去過中國多少地方?

12. 它們被大霧推遲了。

13. 學生在課堂上要集中精力聽老師講課。

14. 看!現在寶寶們都很好。

15. -我過馬路的時候總是很小心。


16. 中國人高度贊揚抗擊非典的醫生和護士。

17. 我們已經很久沒有這么開心了。

18. 標牌上寫著“勿踏草坪”。

19. 昨晚我在家看了西雅圖超音速隊和邁阿密雄鹿隊之間的一場勢均力敵的比賽。

20. -火車應該在早上8點到達,不是嗎?


《高中英語語法-單句理解與翻譯》由祝福網編輯精心為您學習英語準備.liuxue86.com 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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