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2023-03-25 英語


1. The theory was attacked ten years ago when it was first , but gradually it was accepted_____.

A) promoted B) enhanced C) advanced D) conceived

2. preparations made for the President’s official_____ visit to three foreign countries.

A) Elaborate B) Graceful C) Royal D) Tedious

3. The bus is so crowded that there is sufficient room for you_____.

A) rarely B) seldom C) scarcely D) some

4. Poor health and lack of money may both be to educational progress____.

A) restraints B) stains C) scarcities D) barriers

5. As for the Flat Earth theory, I believe I can it with my own experiences of navigation.

A. deny B) reject C) object D) refute

6. In the past decades, the farms of the world have succeeded in producing enough food to feed all of the planet’s people.

A) relevantly B) externally C) utterly D) virtually

7. The poor girl couldn’t from her tears any more when her mother showed up.

A) withdraw B) hold C) withhold D) refrain

8. We would contact your nearest relative _____any .

A) in the event of B) in the course of

C) in the place of D) in the light of

9. The doctors drew the conclusion that the young man’s blindness was _____

A) consistent B) partial C) internal D) temporary

10. The Second World War, the earlier one of 1914, prompted public concern about the physical and intellectual well-being of the country’s human resources.

A) so as B) as were C) as did D) same as


1.動詞辨析C) advance“推進;提出”advance a theory提出了一種理論;A) promote“提升;提升”;B) enhance“提高,增強”,enhance one’s confidence增強信心; D) conceive“構想;懷孕”,conceive an idea想出了一個主意。


2.形容詞辨析A) Elaborate“詳細的;精心計劃的” an elaborate design精心設計;B) Graceful“美;得體” seek a graceful exit尋求體面的退出;C) royal“皇家的,王室的”;D) tedious“冗長乏味”正在為總統對三個國家的正式訪問做準備。

3.副詞分析 和seldom說“很少”,都是頻率副詞,不能用在這句話里。另外,兩個詞的含義和用法是一樣的,不能成為答案。scarcely是程度副詞,意思是“幾乎不”,意思是正確答案。公共汽車很擁擠,幾乎沒有足夠的地方讓你站穩腳跟。


5.動詞辨析D) refute“駁斥;否認…正確性”,refute an argument駁斥一種論點;A) deny“否認;拒絕某人的要求”deny sb. admission拒絕有人入場;B) reject“拒絕;拒絕考慮”He was rejected for the navy because he is sea sick.因為暈船,他沒有被海軍錄取。C) object“反對,不贊成”,后接介詞to或賓語從句。C) object“反對,不贊成”,后接介詞to或賓語從句。至于地平說,我想我可以用我個人的航海經歷來駁斥它。

6.副詞辨析D) virtually“幾乎,幾乎,幾乎;實際上”;A) relevantly“相關地;適宜地”;B) externally“外地,外地”;C) utterly“完全,徹底”utterly ignorant of sth.是的..完全不知道。在過去的幾十年里,世界上的農場已經成功地為地球上幾乎所有的人生產了足夠的食物。

7.動詞辨析A、C項屬類似動詞。四選詞的意思是:A)withdraw“抑制、制止”;B)hold“拿,堅持,抱”;它不能與from搭配;C)withhold“抑制、制止”;D)refrain“抑制,忍住”。 當她母親出現時,這個可憐的小女孩再也抑制不住自己的眼淚。

8.介詞短語分析inin the event of 說“萬一,如果,一旦”;in the course of 表示“在…過程中,在……期間”;in the place of中,冠詞多余,也不符合本句的含義;in the light of說“根據,按照”,如:in the light of 根據客戶的要求,customers。一旦發生事故,我們會聯系你最近的親戚。

9.形容詞辨析D) temporary“臨時、臨時”;A) consistent“一致,一致”;B) partial“部分;偏心”;C) internal“內在的;固有的”。醫生得出結論,這個年輕人的失明是暫時的。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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