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2023-05-05 英語


Unit One必會習語

1.What is sb. like?

What does sb. look like?

What does sb. like?

How does sb like/find sth?

2. argue with sb. about sth 因…和某人爭執

3. enjoy/hate sth/ doing sth

4. so / nor/ neither + 系動/助動/情動 + 主語

So it is with...; It is the same with...

5. be into 對…深感興趣 =be interested in; have/show interest in

5. be fond of 喜歡 care for; like; enjoy;

6. surf the internet 上網沖浪

7. all the time 一直 總是

8. imagine that...; imagine (sb/sb's) doing sth

imagine sb to be 想像某人是


7. cast away 拋棄

8. so…that…/such…that… 如此…以致…

He was so excited that he could not speak.

So excited was he that he could not speak.

It was such a lovely day that we decided to go outing.

It was so lovely a day that we decided to go outing.

It is amusing that such little birds eat so much food.

9. the Pacific Ocean; the Atlantic Ocean;

the Indian Ocean; the arctic Ocean;

10. survive the crash 在空難中幸存

11. a deserted island 荒島

12. all alone 獨自 = all by oneself

區別: alone 單獨的;獨自的 lonely 孤獨的;寂寞的

13. hunt for 搜尋 尋找 search for;

12.make fire 生火

13.in order to 為了 so as to; in order that; so that

14.even though/even if 即使,縱然 as if / as though

15.treat…as/like… 把…當作 regard...as...; think of...as

16.share sth. with sb. 與…分享 share (in) sth 分享

17.care about/for 關心,照顧,喜歡

care to do sth 愿意做;care for sb to do sth 愿意某人做

care + 從句 愿意;介意

18.should have done 本來應該 =ought to have done

19.make friends with 與…交朋友

20.such as 例如 for example;for instance


21. keep...as a pet

22. regard ...as...; treat...as; think of...as; consider...as/to be

23. be loyal to; be faithful to;be devoted to 忠誠于

24. be quick in mind and action 思維敏捷行動迅速


25. have fun; enjoy oneself; have a wonderful time

26. drop me a line 給某人寫短信


27.keep…in mind 把…記住 learn...by heart; remember

28.in error / by mistake 由于錯誤或疏忽

29.tie up (one's hair) 扎起來 do up

30.run into 偶然遇見; 遭遇;與...相撞

come across; meet by chance; happen to meet

31.be proud of 以…而感驕傲 take pride in

32.run a restaurant 開餐館 start a restaurant

run a business 做生意

33.skip classes 逃課

33.keep an eye on 照顧; 注視;stare at 盯著看

34.make fun of 取笑某人; laugh at

35. It is possible (for sb) to do;

It is possible/probable/likely that...

Sb. + is (most) likely to do sth.

Sth. + is probable

36.be curious about 對…感到好奇 be curious that...

have the curiosity about

37. have problems with 在... 有問題

38. even if you are thousand miles apart即使你們分別在幾千英里

39. despite = in spite of 盡管;不管 regardless of

Unit 2 必會習語

Warming up

1. for the first time 第一次;首先 at first; first of all

2. have a good flight (坐飛機)旅途愉快

3. all the way 一路

4. at all (否定:根本; 疑問:到底; 條件:竟然)

above all 首先;首要的 after all 畢竟; in all 總共

5. make oneself at home 不拘束, 別客氣

6. There you are. 你來了。 Here you are. 給你。


7. all around the world 世界各地 throughout the world

8. the majority of 大多數的 the minority of

9. in total; in all; altogether 總共

10. the number of …的數量 (large; small 謂語動詞單數)

a number of 一些; 許多

11. except for 除了...之外; 要不是

except 除了...都; besides 除了...還;except +從句

except (除去)指在整體中除去行為未發生者 (不包括在內)

except for (除了有…之外)指在一個整體中除去其中某個或某些因素,前后兩個名詞性質不同。

except that (除去;除掉) 后接從句,還有except when, except what; except where等

besides (除了…還) 包括在整體之內

but (除了...之外) 和except 同義,與否定詞或疑問詞連用

11. communicate with sb. 與...交流,聯絡

12. have a good knowledge of 對...很熟悉; 通曉 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:從句   定語   動詞
