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年級英語期末試卷 關鍵詞: 高中高三 1000字

2022-12-20 作文
作文標題: 年級英語期末試卷
關鍵詞: 高中高三 1000字
字數: 1000字作文
本文適合: 高中高三
作文來源: https://www.bestzhufu.com



Part I.聽力部分1。在題目的括號中寫下你聽到的序號(8分)( )1.A.HKJ B.AKJ C.AKH ( )2.A.CAJ B.GCJ C.CJG ( )3.A.BBC B.ABC C.CBAn ( )4.A.HK B.UN C.UK ( )5.A.mnl B.nml C.nlm ( )6.A..cat B.bag C.car ( )7.A.book. B.goodbye C.afternoon ( )8.A.oae B.aeo C.oea二、以下句子如果符合你聽到的,用對號表示,用差號表示(5分)( )1.What's this in English? A bag.. ( )2.This is Zhan lin. ( )3.Good evening,,boys and girls. ( )4.It's green. ( )5.Excuse me.3.選擇你聽到的內容(7分)1.This is___.A.LI hong B.Zhang C.Peter 2.What's this in English? A..An apple B.A book C.A head3.What colour is the pen?A.Red B.Gereen C.Black and white4.Shoe me the___,please.A.small letter"e" B.big letter "E" C.small letter "k"5.How___you ?A.is B.are C.am 6.I'm___.A.eleven B.twelve C.ten7.Goodbye,____.A.Mr Lin B.Mr Yan C.Mr LiPart II. 筆試部分1。按字母表的順序寫所有小寫字母,并圈出元音字母(16分)2.如果以下組的字母發音用對號表示相同,沒有用差號表示(8分)1.HK( ) 2.IR( ) 3.MN( ) 4.TV( ) 5.FSY( ) 6. WQU( ) 7.edc 8.AEI( )三、看圖片,填寫缺失的字母,并將相應的圖號(16分)(圖略)寫入單詞下的括號b_ _k p_n b_g c_t d_g b_s p_ar j_ _p四、在B欄中找出A 欄句對應句(20分) A B1.What's your name? A.I', ten.2.How old are you? A.I', ten.2.How old are you? B.A fish.3.How are you? C.My name is Betty.4.What's this in English? D.I'm fine.5.What colour is your face? E.Red.6.May I have a look? F.Good evening.7.Glad to meet you. G.Oh,yes.8.Good evening. H.Sure!9.Is this your toy bus? I.Over there.10.Where's the zoo? J.Nice to meet you.五、請閱讀以下小組對話,在正確的前面打對號,在錯誤的前面打差號(10分)1.A:Good night,Peter! B:Good evening,Mary!2.A:How are you? B:I'm five Thank you?How are you?3.A:Good morning! B:How are you?4.Mike:Hello,TomThis is Ben. Tom: Thank you.Ben :Thank you ,too.5.Mike:This ie Miss White.This is Mr Black. Stephen:Glad to meet you. Miss White and Mr Black :Glad to meet you.6.A:Hi,Li Ming.I have a new ruler. B:What colour is it? A:Panda.7.A:I have a new book. B:What colour is it? A:Panda.7.A:I have a new book. B:What colour is it? A:Sure.8.A:Hi,Peter.Is this your toy bus? B:No,Thanks.9.A:Excuse me.Where is the zoo? B:Over there. A:Thank you.Glad to meet you.10.A:Hello,Tom.What's this in English? B:A cat .It's a black cat.六、選擇正確的答案補充對話,并在橫線(10分)1上寫上相應的標號.Zhang Hua:Hello!My name is Zhang Hua. Peter:Hello!______A:I'm ten. B:My name is Peter. C:Goodbye! D:/2.Teacher :How old are you? Li Ming:________A:How old are you? B:Glad to meet you ! C:I'm Li Ming. D:Eight.3.Doctor:What's your name? Mary:_____A:Hi!Glad to meet you! B:Hello!Doctor. C:My name is boy. D:My name is Mary.4.Mr Zhang:Good morning,boys and girls. Students:_____A:Hello,Mr Zhang. B:Good morning,Mr Zhang! C:Good,Mr Zhang. D:Thank you.5.Mary:Hi,Miss Li.How are you? Miss: Li:______A:I'm fine!Thank you.How are you? B:I"m ten. C:Good afternoon. D:What's your name? 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:高中高三   1000字
